Apple relaunching Back-To-School program

Last time it was $300 rebate when you purchase Mac and iPod together, but I guess iPods got cheaper…

Students who purchase one of the qualifying Macs — a MacBook, MacBook Pro, iMac, or Power Mac G5 — and also purchase an iPod, will receive a $179 mail-in-rebate on top of their education discount.Apple will encourage students to purchase a 2GB iPod nano along with their qualifying Mac because the $179 rebate will cancel out the cost of the player (also $179 for educational buyers.) Alternatively, students can choose to apply the value of the rebate towards any of the company’s other iPod models.

AppleInsider | Apple’s Back-To-School program offers free iPod

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south bay photography meetup

I’ve been a Meetup member for a long time but I have never been to any of the events until today. I recently joined the south bay photography meetup group and it is actually a very active group. They have at least one event per week. I went to this thing called PhotoSlam 2006, it was a pretty casual knowledge-sharing type event. There were members from the Foothill college photography club, a RangeFinder online message forum, and meetup members. People brought some cool toys, their portfolios, I displayed my portfolio on a projector (the color on the projector was actually calibrated quite well!), and pretty much just socialized and chatted about photography. I was in a hurry and accidentally brought my camera with the macro lens instead of my 24-70/2.8L, so only got some shots of the toys, here are the images:

Leica M7

Canon Tilt-Shift lens




LF camera

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lord hears your prayer

On Memorial Day weekend, Clara Jean brown of Baldwin County, Alabama, prayed to the lord to protect her family from a storm in the area. Seemed like a good idea, until she said “Amen” and was struck by a bolt of lightning. From Associated Press: The 65-year-old Brown said she is blessed to be alive. Firefighters said its likely she was hit by a bolt of lightning that apparently struck outside and traveled into the house… A family member said he will no longer assume it is safe to be indoors during a lightning strike.

Boing Boing: Praying woman struck by lightning

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