fussclothing.com got the KAWS One book back in stock. You gotta love that pic with Kate Moss… Click on the FUSS link and then the “SEE INSIDE” link, or just the following pic:

To go alongside his first Japanese exhibition in March/April 2001, Little More Publishing produced this limited-edition book of 78 pages of Kaws’s poster tweakings, KAWS One.As well as the usual posters and billboard defacements/improvements, there are also bits of his artwork (such as The Simpsons Kaws-ified) and other little things like the billboard he did for Relax magazine.This KAWS One edition is getting more and more rare and comes in at around 78 pages long and in hard back.


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Top 5 Things to Do When a Telemarketer Calls

5. Say you are hard of hearing and see how loud they will shout into the phone.

4. Keep repeating, “I knew you were going to say that”.

3. Allow the telemarketer to fully explain his offer. When he is finished explain that his company hired you to randomly spot check telemarketers on their performance. Tell him that he did a good job overall, but that he is a bit monotone and needs to fluctuate his tone of voice more to sound convincing. He also should pause longer between sentences, and more clearly pronounce the letter ‘s’. Tell him you won?t report him if he repeats his speech to you with the appropriate corrections. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

2. Every few minutes repeat, “You?re going to have to bear with me, I have a slight short term memory loss problem, who is this again?”

1. Mid pitch, stop him and complement him on his wonderful voice. Explain that you are a voiceover scout and might have a breakthrough commercial job for him. Ask if he wouldn?t mind doing a quick test. Ask him to say in a deep husky voice “May cause dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting and shortness of breath. A small number of participants in a recent clinical trial experienced weight loss, irregular clotting, abnormally frequent and/or painful urination and hair loss. Results may vary”

Funny Story dot CC – Top 5 Things to Do When a Telemarketer Calls

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Where to shop for denim in NYC

Nice, sounds like NYC finally got a place to get jeans in the same caliber as Denim Bar in DC… Samurai and SugarCane, not bad, not bad!

I just stumbled upon one of the craziest Denim stores in Manhatten. It just opened like 2 days ago!!Anyway, they carry Samurai, Sugar Cane, and Oni Denim. I’m sure there are some other obscure brands too, but all are premium straight from japan.The name of the shop is ‘Blue in Green’Located at:8 Greene St.(Bet. the Cloak store and Canal)I don’t think there is even a sign up or anything cause the place is so new.One more thing, the owners name is Yuji – tell him Brett, from DressCodes, sent you.Happy hunting and shopping…

superfuture® :: supertalk thread

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MTI Whirlpools Introduces A Revolutionary Pet SPA!

This is dope, if it fits in my current bathroom I’d def get one of these for Fee-Fee’s birthday, but I can’t remodel my bathroom coz I don’t own this place… heh…

MTI Whirlpools Introduces A Revolutionary Pet SPA!:

For the ultimate in pet pampering and therapy, the Jentle Pet may be equipped with 5 full-size point-massage whirlpool jets, air volume control, a 1 bhp pump and MTI’s patented Fill-Flush® whirlpool cleaning system. Each point-massage jet’s direction can be adjusted, and individual jets can be shut off if desired. Whirlpool therapy is not-only relaxing but also therapeutic for relieving the pain of sore muscles or arthritic conditions.

Happy Memorial Day


Originally uploaded by AndrewNg.com.

I’ve been watching Laguna Beach on MTV all day, heard fireworks all the sudden, must’ve been from Great America Park. Grab my tripod and my camera and continuosly took about 85 frames at 4-10s each… My camera had my 24-70/2.8L on so had to crop like crazy. I’ll have my 70-200/2.8L ready tomorrow, they should have it again tomorrow… I guess we’ll see…

marriage and scientific careers


ScienceCareers.org | Scientific Success: What’s Love Got to Do With It?: Levine: 26 May 2006:

Kanazawa’s perhaps controversial perspective is that of an evolutionary psychologist. “Men conduct scientific research (or do anything else) in order to attract women and get married (albeit unconsciously),” he says. “What’s the point of doing science (or anything else) if one is already married? Marriage (or, more accurately reproductive success, which men can usually attain only through marriage) is the goal; science or anything else men do is but a means.

Caltrain today

So I took the Caltrain to SF this afternoon, when we were almost in the city some dude committed suicide by walking in front of the damn train… My train was held up for more than an hour. Too bad I didn’t get to see the body, could’ve taken a few pictures and share it at Ogrish. 😉

Apparent suicide on Caltrain tracks:

An engineer reportedly observed the man deliberately step out in front of an oncoming train, according to a Caltrain report. Although the man’s death appears to be a suicide, the county coroner will make the final determination, Caltrain reported. Passengers on the train were held for about 90 minutes while local law enforcement officials investigated the incident.