Technorati now indexing my site *again*

I’ve noticed that Technorati has not been indexing my site, not sure why. I have WordPress setup to ping them automatically, I blog with Etco it also pings them automatically. I even went their Technorati’s site and manually ping’ed them. Nothing worked… Contacted their tech support and I’m still waiting for a reply. I ended up deleted my “claim” on my blog, waited a couple of minutes and “re-claiming” it, and now it’s being indexed again. I have no idea what happened… I hope they’d send me a reply some time today or tomorrow…

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Apple reportedly is shipping 100k Nano per day

If true, this is pretty damn amazing!! I guess their ODM got the process down real well… 🙂 The 1GB Shuffles being “sold out”, and the rumors of 1GB Nanos are bad news for SigmaTel. It doesn’t look like there would be a refresh on the Shuffle, so all they would have is the 512MB Shuffle, at least until that is sold out too. 😆

In a best effort to meet demand for its top-selling iPod nano this holiday, Apple Computer is building and shipping 100,000 of the ultra-slim digital music players each day, reliable sources tell AppleInsider.

AppleInsider | Apple shipping 100K nanos a day, mulls 1GB model

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Canon EOS 20D follow-on features wishlist

The Nikon D200 will be available very very soon, I am keeping my fingers crossed that Canon will put out something better than the D200 as their 20D follow-on. I believe I have put my 20D to pretty damn good use. I use it extensively in my studio with my Alien Bees setup, before I got my studio equipments I did a lot of location shoots with it. I brought it to Europe for vacation pictures, and I use it for casual snapshots (it’s my only camera now, well, my Treo650 isn’t really a real camera). About thirteen-thousand frames and forteen months later, I can think of the following features wishlist for the 20D follow-on, I’ll add to this list when I come up with more. (and please feel free to post comments!)

  • Much larger image buffer, preferably large enough so I will be able to shoot RAW at maximum fps rate until CF card gets full
  • Larger and brighter LCD screen
  • Bigger and brighter viewfinder, also want more frame coverage in VF
  • ISO display in viewfinder
  • Effective aperture display, I might get a Nikon setup just for this feature, it would help A LOT in macro works
  • Built-in wireless flash capability like in the Nikon D200 (and while they’re at it, why not make it compatible with Pocket Wizard?)
  • Spot meter
  • Quieter shutter
  • Even better noise control
  • Custom NR curve
  • RGB histograms
  • More MP will always be good, but having followed Canon’s cameras this is sorta a given
  • Weather-sealing would be nice, but since the 5D doesn’t have it, I highly doubt they would do it in a prosumer body.
  • I am pretty sure they won’t do this, but I would really love for it to be full-frame (and I know there is the 5D). FF will make the 85/1.2L and the 135/2L very useful, it would also make my 24-70/2.8L more wide-angle, and my 70-200/2.8L would become a lot more useful for portraits

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doppio ristretto at Barefoot

I’m at Barefoot right now to pick up some coffee beans, they give you a free cup of coffee or a shot when you buy a pound of beans. So I got a doppio ristretto, it was GOOOOD. They know their shit here at Barefoot, all of their baristas are capable of pouring perfect rosetta latte arts. Very impressive indeed. It was cool, after the girl pulled my shot she announced “double ristretto?”, I went to pick it up at the counter and the guys next to me kindda gave me a serious look and I overheard them saying “damn, that is some serious stuff”. LOL…

Last Saturday we went to a place in SF’s North Beach area, I’m not gonna mention their name, but it was supposed to be a very good coffee shop. I asked if they knew how to pull a ristretto and the guy was like, sure. As expected he just gave me a regular and poorly-prepared espresso shot that tasted sour.

btw, I just saw that Little City got a new website, looking good! I miss their Little City Blend, the blends here at Barefoot are top-notch though.

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