Beyond Dante: Term Sheet Terms: anti-dilution clauses

From my Newisys days I was told by the guy who dealt with our VC activities day to day that anti-dilution clauses were some of the most evil things you could see on a tern sheet, basically you get screwed when you get a down round later (which in my experience happens more often than not 🙁 )… Here Tim Wolters, the CTO of Collective Intellect, blogged about anti-dilution clauses in the entrepreneurs’ perspective.

Beyond Dante: Term Sheet Terms: anti-dilution clauses

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Web 2.0 is one big party in SF

Alright, I’m moving up there!

Om Malik has a great Silicon Valley story about how Scott Johnson ? ex of Feedster ? closed an angel investment for his new company Ookles (top secret) while sitting in Om?s bathroom, as the blogger and his podcast partner Niall Kennedy recorded their latest in the living room.
Later, Om says he met legendary venture capitalist Bill Draper Sr., shared a car with Seth Steinberg of the online messenger service Meebo, and sat in a cafe with Dave Winer, when Kevin Burton of TailRank dropped in. Then Matt Mullenweg of and Scott Beale of showed up, along with venture capitalist Jeff Clavier and Dave Sifry of
And that?s not even a party like the ones Mike Arrington of throws, where 200 invitations fill up in a matter of hours and there?s a room at the back for startups to demo their wares. Om?s just talking about a regular day (okay, maybe not totally regular) in San Francisco tech-land. Yes, it seems that Web 2.0 is one big party.

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Schneier on Security: The Doghouse: Super Cipher P2P Messenger

This is too funny, “unbreakable Infinity bit Triple Layer Socket Encryption”! Wow, using an infinite number of bit or something? wouldn’t that be a bit slow? and “SUPER Cipher P2P”! The author even has a resume with very little programming or cryptography experience to back up his claim! Be sure to check out the comments at Bruce’s site, hilarious! 🙂

I’ll stick with using SSH tunnels with SSHKeychain.

Schneier on Security: The Doghouse: Super Cipher P2P Messenger:

Super Cipher P2P Messenger uses “unbreakable Infinity bit Triple Layer Socket Encryption for completely secure communication.”

Boing Boing: Penetrative sex improves public speaking

Boing Boing: Penetrative sex improves public speaking:

A researcher at the University of Paisley has determined that having regular penetrative sex (and only penetrative sex) makes people into better, more relaxed public speakers:

For a fortnight, 24 women and 22 men kept diaries of how often they engaged in various forms of sex.

Then they underwent a stress test involving public speaking and performing mental arithmetic out loud.

Volunteers who had had penetrative intercourse were found to be the least stressed, and their blood pressure returned to normal faster than those who had engaged in other forms of sexual activity such as masturbation.

Those who abstained from any form of sexual activity at all had the highest blood pressure response to stress.

Update: Ken sez, “Just because people who have sex are less stressed doesn’t mean that the sex causes them be that way. At least as plausible is that they have more sex _because_ they are less stressed and recover from stress more quickly– stress and staying steamed being a turn-off, in general, not to mention physiological effects of stress on performance, for men.”

Boing Boing: Tricked-out secret tunnel between Mexico and US


Boing Boing: Tricked-out secret tunnel between Mexico and US:

Federal agents found a secret big tunnel that runs from Tijuana, Mexico, to Otay Mesa, California. It’s apparently 1,200 yards long and runs between two warehouses on either side of the border. Two tons of pot were discovered inside. From CNN:

Made of concrete, the passageway had lighting, electricity, ventilation and a pump to remove water, said Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement…

Mack said human intelligence led to the discovery of the underground structure. Agents then used ground-penetrating radar technology from the military to find anomalies in the soil, she said.

Egotastic! – Kate Moss Hates Sienna Miller

Egotastic! – Kate Moss Hates Sienna Miller:

Kate Moss is pissed at Sienna Miller. Why, you ask? Did Sienna steal Kate’s boyfried? Or her coke? No, it turns out, Kate Moss thinks Sienna Miller is stealing all her magazine covers. The Sun says that Kate Moss is angry because Sienna has been getting on all the magazine covers, even though she is not a “professional model.”


Teaming with bright ideas |

This is interesting… I always wonder how a company with so-so engineering and design talent, and one that has been putting out inferior products since the original StarTAC, all the sudden came up with something as cool as the RAZR, now I know.

The January 21st issue of The Economist has a “survey of the company” (companies in general, not just Moto), with intriguing articles on organization, management and collaboration. These excellent surveys alone are more than worth their online or print subscription.

Teaming with bright ideas |

The skunkworks concept fell into disrepute when it was seen as just another cost centre, and one with attitude at that. Now it is being revived, but in a different guise. Much of Motorola’s Razr mobile phone, currently a big market hit, was developed in a new laboratory that the company has set up in downtown Chicago, 50 miles (80km) from its main R&D facility in suburban Illinois. The building and the design of the workspace are very different from Motorola’s main offices, with lots of bright colours and no dividing walls.

In this type of skunkworks, geniuses are not just left to breathe pure intellectual air, as they often were in previous incarnations; they are also constantly brought into contact with designers, marketing people, production managers and accountants. The idea is not that they emerge at the end of the day with something that makes their competitors say ?wow?. It is that they come out with something that makes their competitors’ customers say ?wow?.

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