Tag Archives: web 2.0

Dealistic launched!

I’m happy to tell you that we have finally launched Dealistic! It is a side project Ray and I spent most of our free time in the past 3 months on. We created Dealistic because both of us were frustrated on the existing deals sites on the interweb — they never deliver deals on the things we really want, so we created Dealistic to help us narrow them down to only the deals we care about.

The site is pretty simple, Sherry made an awesome walkthrough on what the site is about.

Dealistic Walkthrough from Andrew Ng on Vimeo.

Check it out, give us feedback and comments at our GetSatisfaction page, hope you find it useful as well.

the lack of blogging

I don’t blog as often as I did, I think much of it has to do with other services I am using now, they kindda replace having to blog about stuff I find online. And I don’t really have time to publish original content. If you’re interested, you can subscribe to these:

  • Twitter
  • Google Reader shared items
  • del.icio.us, already “burned” with this blog’s RSS feed with Feedburner
  • FriendFeed,I linked my accounts there, but don’t really use it. It also gets redundant, like I included my Tumblr and Flickr there, but I already included my Flickr on my Tumblog, so you get repeated content at times. Also my Twitterrific updates my twitter statuses to Adium, and the Twitter Facebook app updates my status on Facebook, so most of the times my Facebook, GTalk, and Twitter statuses are the same.
  • Too many others to list, so check my FriendFeed