Reviews for milk on Amazon are funny

Reviews for milk on Amazon are funny:
Mark Frauenfelder:

So far, 344 smart-ass reviewers from have had fun writing about the 128-ounce jug of Tuscan Grade A Milk.

Picture 3-14“One of the insurmountable obstacles in my life has been how to get a gallon of Tuscan Whole Milk from Gristedes back to my apartment without finishing it first. Up until now it was necessary to buy a second gallon. Amazon has changed all that. Now I can get my Tuscan Whole Milk at my apartment in a sealed cardboard box that will protect it at least as far as the elevator. From that point the “No Milk Guzzling” sign in the elevator holds me back. In the short walk to my apartment door I may down a pint or two but for the most part the gallon stays intact. This has changed my life immeasurably for the better.”


“I had a problem where my roof was leaking. I poured some Tuscan Whole Milk over it to seal it up and it just flowed right into the hole and didn’t do anything. I now have milk constantly dripping down from the ceiling and it has stained the drywall as well. The milk trapped in the ceiling is now rancid and smells horrible. It has also induced a pest infestation problem. The pest control company won’t deal with it because of the odor is unbearable in the house. My wife and children are now leaving me as well. This product has ruined my life. Do not buy this product, I suggest some roof caulking or tar instead.”


“At first I was struck with despair when my cat got into my gallon of Tuscan whole milk, but what was once consternation quickly turned to joy as seconds later my cat became Halle Berry dressed in a black leather cat outfit. I cannot thank the creators of Tuscan whole milk and Gristedes Supermarkets of New York for the limitless pleasure which ensued.”


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Chinese police beating dogs to death right in front of owners

Dogs being walked were taken from their owners and beaten to death on the spot, it said. Other killing teams entered villages at night creating noise to get dogs barking, then homing in on their prey. – Chinese county culls 50,000 dogs – Aug 1, 2006

Now this is f’ed up, can these Chinese govenmenet officials think straight? I bet they wanted to kill random people when they had SARS too… How about setting out some sort of vaccination program like we do here? f them! f China! More comments at reddit.

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WTF? $500 knobs?

Good vibrations, Bad vibrations it?s all about vibrations!! RAM would like to introduce a new signature level knob developed for the mighty Silver Rock potentiometer. The standard bakelite knob is certainly the best sounding compromise… but now Audio Consulting has taken this aspect of the Silver Rock much further. The new knobs are custom made with beech wood and bronze where the bronze is used as the insert to mount to the stem of the volume pot. The beech wood is coated several times with C37 lacquer for best sound as pointed out by Dieter Ennemoser. How can this make a difference??? Well, hearing is believing as we always say. The sound becomes much more open and free flowing with a nice improvement in resolution. Dynamics are better and overall naturalness is improved. Here is a test for all you Silver Rock owners. Try removing the bakelite knobs and listen. You will be shocked by this! The signature knobs will have an even greater effect?really amazing! The point here is the micro vibrations created by the volume pots and knobs find their way into the delicate signal path and cause degradation (Bad vibrations equal bad sound). With the signature knobs micro vibrations from the C37 concept of wood, bronze and the lacquer itself compensate for the volume pots and provide (Good Vibrations) our ear/brain combination like to hear?way better sound!!

Silver Rock Signature Knob: Reference Audio Mods

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Alien Skin Blow Up

A while back I was asked if I wanted to evaluate Alien Skin’s Exposure, I got a copy of the software, installed it and played with it a little bit. It is basically set of PS filters that add effects of different types of film, it is probably useful for a lot of PS users out there, but not me. It runs very slowly on my PowerBook and I can adjust curves, color channels in mixer, add noise, reduce noise, sharpen, etc etc with the tools I already have in PS. I’ve only used it like twice and it’s really not all that useful to me.

When I got into my office this morning there was a DHL package waiting for me from Alien Skins, inside was a copy of Alien Skin Blow Up, it’s like onOne’s Genuine Fractals; it takes an image and upsamples it to much higher resolution (up to 3600% they say) that doesn’t look blurry or pixelated or halo. Now this is very interesting!! There is a comparison chart with other similar solutions in the included materials, looks like Blow Up can handle LAB and Duotone modes and Geniune Fractals cannot. This is not all that useful coz I can always convert to RGB before I want to upsize. What’s more interesting is that it handles 32-bit depth images and layered images, these are definitely huge advantages over Geniune Fractals. I’ll test it out maybe this weekend, if it works as advertised (and the sample images in the included materials look impressive!), then it will definitely be useful when I want to print A0 or poster size prints. I’ve been printing 13×19 at home and even slightly cropped images look fine in that size, but if I go bigger then tools like Blow Up or Geniune Fractals would definitely be useful. Though, a lot of shops that do poster size prints have their own software to help upsampling. I also have a feeling that it is gonna be very slow.

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The Onion: motocrosser quits after learning physics


“I’ve had a great run in both professional motocross and Supercross, but the more I learn about kinetic energy, momentum, and ballistics, I’m beginning to think I’ve had a pretty good run of luck, too,” said Carmichael, whose instructors said seemed particularly interested in the effects that gravity and sudden deceleration could have on a Suzuki RMZ250 four-stroke dirt bike.

Carmichael is rumored to be considering a career in NASCAR after completing courses in business and marketing.

Motocrosser Quits After Learning Physics | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

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More about Undercover Taipei

A former DJ and lead singer of a punk band, Jun Takahashi started UNDERCOVER as a small shop in the alleyway of Harajuku more than 10 years ago. Today, he has more than 30 stores spread through out Japan. This year, he opened stores outside of Japan for the first time, in Taipei and Hong Kong.Opened on the first week of June, the Taipei store generated a lot fanfare for the brand in Taiwan. Customers no long have to travel to Tokyo to buy goods from UNDERCOVER. Recently, Freshness had the chance to see more of the store, inside and out, during its afterhour.

Freshness – Sneakers, Toys, Shops, Street Wear, NYC, JPN – Established in 2003 » Blog Archive » Freshness Feature: UNDERCOVER Taipei

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