denim update

I’ve fully retired my RRDS coz they are way too baggy for my liking, I still rock the APC NS, but maybe because I skate in them a lot, they are pretty damn baggy as well, at least around the ass… 😉 I am working on a pair of Dior Homme 19cm raw right now and I love the fit. I’m on my 2nd week with them and they’ve stretched out to a perfect fit. The stretching process was short and was nowhere as painful as the APC NS!!

I snapped some pics to document the progress on my Nudies RRDS and APC NS, the RRDS got about 3 months of actual wear, the APC has about 4 months. I haven’t wash or soak either of them. I actually bought them pretty much the same time but I had to exchange my RRDS twice to get the right size, and the 2 times took over 3 weeks, the third time I found out Kitchener actually could ship global priority (whatever the Swiss equivalent is called) and got the 2nd replacement within a few days. That’s why the APC’s got more an extra month of wear and it really shows on the denim.

Anyway, here are some pics, enjoy…

RRDS front:

RRDS rear:

RRDS front close-up:

RRDS honeycombs:

APC NS front:

APC NS back:

APC NS front close-up:

APC NS honeycombs:

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Canon Double Rebate is back

New releases like the 400D and the new 50/1.2L don’t qualify. Notice the 30D and 5D got pretty damn good rebate, which I take as a sign that their follow-on’s will be showing up real soon. That 85/1.2L II is tempting. More info here and actual PDF with all rules and restrictions here

1006-canon-double-mir-chart._V37899408_.gif (GIF Image, 600×451 pixels)

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what the iPhone must have for me to get one…

So with the trademark registrations and stuff, iPhone is for real… well… hopefully they would release a CDMA version, but I highly doubt that given their previous relationship with Cingular… I am sorta a Apple fanboy, but for me to get one It has to have EvDO, a kickass camera, full “smartphone” features such as a real browser, a QWERTY keyboard, kickass chat-like SMS app, office apps, pdf viewer, image viewer, good email client with IMAP-SSL support, Outlook/Exchange/Scalix over-the-air sync for mails, calendars, contacts, tasks, and it would be nice to have an SDK to write my own apps (so we can have a native Google map like I can on my Treo)… I assume iSync would support it to sync with AddressBook and i{Cal,Tunes,Photo} so I probably won’t need Missing Sync anymore. I don’t care about windoze users, but to be commercially successful they would also have to support Outlook sync and what not, which is annoying coz Outlook royaly sucks.

Well, I would be really surprised if the first iPhone thinggie would satisfy all my requirements… As much as I hate how unstable my Treo 700p is, it is awesome when it works and I actually depend on it like crazy…

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Bizzare stuff going on at Swatch Group

Chuck Maddox wrote a very entertaining post at his watch blog, I love this part:

All a Tachymetre bezel is a scale that divides the 3600 (the number of minutes (60) times the number of seconds (60) = 3,600) by the number of seconds to generate a “Units per Hour” indication. The number would be the same if measuring Kilometre’s, miles, or furlongs. Why anyone would do a conversion when one is not necessary is confounding.

Chuck Maddox?s Watch Blog: Further proof: Bizzare stuff going on at Swatch Group…

I think it was added coz NASCAR fans are dumb, LOL!

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diam, this dude got some insane wear for 4 months!

these are superfuture member kumo’s APC NS, 4 months, no wash. Those are some insanely nice honeycombs! Mine are about 4 months of actual wear since I alternated between my RRDS and APC, but my ‘combs are nowhere defined like those!! I even starched the first 2 months or so, but got lazy at the end.

Also I now kindda wish I let them bunched up instead of cuffing them… 😉

The Evolution of Jeans: Before & After *PICTURES* – Page 83 – superfuture :: supertalk

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friendster was started coz founder wanted to meet girls, lol…

“Basically, Jonathan wanted to meet girls,” said Mark Pincus, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who provided Abrams with seed money at the end of 2002. “He told me himself, he started Friendster as a way to surf through his friends’ address books for good-looking girls.”

Online Personals Watch: How Friendster Lost Chance for a Jackpot

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Who’s in Charge? You or the Camera?

I’ve observed a tendency for digital photographers to just take what their cameras hand them. Folks put up on-line galleries of their digital photographs for comment, critique, and simple enjoyment, but it’s rare for those photographs to be anything different from what they downloaded from the camera.These folks are unconsciously operating much the same way slide film photographers did (more correctly, were forced to). Unless they are intentionally trying to present the world entirely as the camera saw it, this is a profound artistic mistake.

The Online Photographer: October 2006

Ctein raised a very good point, I almost never do a straight RAW to jpeg conversion and then share my pics, I at least adjust the raw converter settings, adjust the curve, some slight USM, USM after downsizing, and for pics with people in them I do some very minor touchups. And these steps are for snapshots only. I spend a lot of time in post-processing when I do more serious photoshoots. It bothers me when I see people with fancy gears on Flickr posting very mediocre straight-from-camera images, some of these are so bad that they wouldn’t even be kept on my memory card after instant preview. And most of these guys shoot JPEGs, which is completely insane now when memory cards are so cheap. I am not encouraging people to overprocess your images, but at least do enough to get more out of the captured frames.

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