daily photo

kindda hung over half of today from too much Blue Label last night, and then did a little bit of shopping at Barneys. I am in lust with that black Rick Owens jacket (you know which one)… Still couldn’t figure out how to rock it with the hood buttoned to the jacket, but it’s a sick piece for sure… finally tried on some Carpe Diem boots too, I need size 40, so if anyone knows some for cheap let me know!! shit they were nice…

daily photo

daily photo: f50fd test

Some shots from my new digicam, it’s alright, I’m not wow’ed by it or anything, anything above ISO 1600 is really noisy. But it’s def way better than the SD630 I used. Also keep in mind I’ve post-processed all of these shots, only slightly, but they are by no means straight from the camera.

Fuji f50fd test shot
ISO 100

ISO 400

North Beach
ISO 400. It’s almost freaking mooncake festival yo! I got hella mooncakes at home!

North Beach
ISO 400

ISO 200

ISO 1600

Patron ftw!
ISO 1600

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