Self Edge now got Dry Bones denim

Self Edge got a new line of stuff by Dry Bones, I photographed these products and got to try them on in person, they are really dope, my favorite was the Type III denim jacket, it is seriously next-level!

Introducing Dry Bones Japan:

There are certain Japanese Denim companies that fly under the radar and surpass all expectations for so long, we wonder why it’s taken so long for them to come into the spotlight. Dry Bones is that company, with almost 20 years of denim and garment production under their belts, they consider themselves to be from the second generation of denim companies worldwide; somewhere between the big three that started it all in America and the new group of companies in Japan producing denim.

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daily photo: Bear yawn

Sorry I haven’t been shooting and posting daily photos, it’s mainly because it gets dark at around 4:30 now and I usually shot at around 7pm when I took a break from work, also have been busy writing another Facebook application.

I gave Bear a cashmere hoodie for Christmas, we think he looks super cute in it, so I setup proper lighting to take some pictures of him in it. 🙂 Toward the end of our 15-minute shoot (including setup time), he got bored and this was what happened:

he got tired after a while (by

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getting D-SLR for Christmas?

Here are some links so I can make some money, lol… I just ordered the 400D and the 50/1.8 for my folks so at least I’m putting my money where my mouth (or fingers) is… It’s a great time to pick up some Canon gears coz they lowered the prices by a little bit with instance rebates.

btw, I just found out if your rss reader does not support iframes (GReader doesn’t), you have to view this post in a browser to see these links.

The 50/1.4 is better, but IMO not over 200 bucks better. The bokeh from non-L lens look like shit to me (but I am really picky and spoiled), I was looking at some pictures from my 100/2.8 USM macro and the bokeh was really harsh. So if you’re serious about photography and you want to go with Canon, I’d go with the 40D with the 35/1.4L, and here are the links (the kit lens is semi-decent too):

If you must need a zoom, go with the 24-70/2.8L, this is the lens I use 95% of the time, because it is awesome but also because I don’t have the 35/1.4L.

But if you are going to stay with 1.6CF bodies, the new 17-55/2.8 EF-S is like the 24-70/2.8L for 1.6x CF cameras, it has IS so it’s even more useful. (Thanks Kevin for pointing this out!). After looking at its MTF graph and images on PBase (you have to click “more” a few times to find semi-decent images, but that’s true with most photo sharing sites), I’d recommend this over the more expensive 24-70/2.8L unless you absolutely want an L lens or you plan to get a 1.3CF or FF body in the future. Looks like the bokeh from the EF-S 18-55/2.8 IS is nice and soft too.

The new Nikon’s high ISO performance is very impressive from the many reviews and 1DsM3 vs D3 comparos I’ve read. If I were to get a top-of-the-line pro setup I’d probably seriously consider the D3 over the 1DsM3, esp for photojournalism-style event shoots. For studio though, the 1DsM3 is king, it almost gives you medium format type resolution. If you shoot Nikon you must get the 105VR.

and if you need a flash, go with the 580EXII coz the price difference between that and the 430EX isn’t much right now…

If you shoot Nikon you’re lucky coz IMO their flash system is better, and the SB800 is absolutely amazing (and relatively inexpensive!), not to mention the D200 and D300 got built-in slave triggering with the popup flash.

If you need remote triggering, you can’t go wrong with the PW+2, I have 2 of these for my Alien Bees and they’re great. 100% reliable, never missed a frame when used with the strobes. (I’m still having problems getting the connection right with the 580EXII sync socket though).

If you need other stuff from Amazon, please use the link at the top of my blog.

Why Early Stage Venture Investments Fail | Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing

Bootstrapping ftw.

Why Early Stage Venture Investments Fail | Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing:

Dick Costolo, co-founder of FeedBurner, describes a startup as the process of going down lots of dark alleys only to find that they are dead ends. Dick describes the art of a successful deal as figuring out they are dead ends quickly and trying another and another until you find the one paved with gold.

So it?s pretty clear to me that most venture backed investments don?t fail because the business plan was flawed. In my experience at least 2/3 of all business plans we back are flawed.

Most venture backed investments fail because the venture capital is used to scale the business before the correct business plan is discovered. That scale/burn rate becomes the cancer that kills the business.

I should also say that for businesses that don?t have the benefit of venture capital backing, the reverse is probably true. Almost certainly non-venture backed businesses will not have the ability to get too big too fast. They will mostly fail because they have the wrong business plan and they don?t have the wherewithal to survive for the period of time it takes to figure out the correct one.

Regardless of whether you have taken venture capital or not, capital efficiency and bootstrapping are critical values. You must keep your burn rate low until you can show without a shadow of a doubt that you have a business model that works, can be operated profitably and is ready to be scaled. Then and only then should you step on the gas.

“The” way vs “a” way (Japan v China dept)

Generally true…

James Fallows (November 27, 2007) – “The” way vs “a” way (Japan v China dept):

Japan is all about the way of doing things. Practice, ritual, perfectionism, as much fanatical attention to the process as to the result. China is all about finding a way to do things. Improvisation, little interest in rules, putting up with whatever is necessary to attain the result.

Setting up Rails on Leopard

Ray did a writeup on Rails setup on Leopard, pretty messed up how if you have the loaded_plugins gem installed you have to do some symlink surgery on the directories in /opt. oh and I don’t launch memcached on boot myself. Last time tried to upgrade/install to Leopard neither of our laptops worked. I think mine was doing an fsck in the background and I didn’t have the patience to wait. The MacBook had a filesystem error that forced a fresh install. Leopard is messed up.

Setting up Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Mongrel, memcached, and RMagick using MacPorts on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard : blog

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what I don’t get about Facebook…

Why is it impossible to search for people by email addresses? The only way to do that is to add them to your address book and use the contacts importer. I don’t see why I can’t just search by email addresses directly, what gives? Do they believe this makes it more secure and they assumed Fb users are too stupid to figure out they can just add the email to a dummy gmail account and use the importer?