New MacBook Pros get dissected, look like old MacBook Pros – Engadget

I couldn’t wait for the update to come out as I badly needed a new laptop, also didn’t want to set everything up twice at the new job. (though next time Migration Wizard might actually work)

The changes to the MacBook Pro are minor but nice, not enough to get me to eBay this one for it. I could use the bigger hard drive so my iTunes lossless library would actually fit on my laptop, faster and more efficient processor (45nm!) with new SSE4 instructions, better battery life, and better graphics performance will be nice for Photoshop work. I don’t really care for MultiTouch myself, I’d much rather get a Wacom tablet. I read that Intel will update the Santa Rosa platform with Montevina in June, might upgrade it then. 🙂

We’d love to tell you that during AnandTech’s dissection of the “new” MacBook Pros they made a shocking discovery about the internals of the systems that brought into light significant changes and / or upgrades to the computers. We’d like nothing more then to say that it appears Apple has completely reworked the architecture of these machines to be harder, better, faster, and stronger. But honestly? They’re exactly the same as the old models, save for those little Penryns, and as a result, kind of boring. Don’t believe us? Take a look at the photos — you’ll see.

[From New MacBook Pros get dissected, look like old MacBook Pros – Engadget]

using Quicksilver to get TinyURL

If you use Twitter you probably use TinyURL to shorten your URLs pretty often, I looked into doing this with Quicksilver, there are a couple of blog posts that show you how to do it, but none of them I really liked. One even said it was crap himself in the beginning of the post.

What I really want is this:

  • I would copy the URL I want to shorten to my OS X clipboard
  • I run something in Quicksilver
  • The clipboard will be updated with the shortened URL

This turned out to be extremely easy to do. Here’s a Ruby script that does exactly that. If you make the script executable, Quicksilver should include it in its catalog. So just copy a long URL into your clipboard (?-C), invoke Quicksilver, type the filename (I just type “tiny”), and wola, your clipboard will have the TinyURL so you can paste (?-V) it into wherever.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

def shorten(url)

IO.popen('pbcopy', 'w').puts "#{shorten(IO.popen('pbpaste', 'r+').read)}"

Want a NotchUp invite? Let me know…

I’ve received a lot of invites to this thing so I just joined to check it out. You create a profile with your resume and specify a price it would cost to interview you, interesting concept. They think that the best employees are the ones who are happily employed and not looking, which for the most part is true, so they have to pay to interview you.

If you’re gonna join, let me know first and I’ll send you an invite, that way I get a 10% of your price when people pay you. heh. You don’t need an invite to join though.

beta fbml tag for autocomplete

When I wrote my last app at OnMyList I had to roll my own autocomplete/typeahead feature with FBJS, I was looking at Preload FQL and found out last Dec they added a beta Typeahead tag, I tried it out with the FBML test console and it works great.

It’s def worthwhile to check out their beta features.

oh btw, this Typeahead is static, which means there is no way to ask it to do an ajax call to get results dynamically. I’m sure they’ll have an Ajax-Typeahead at some point…

Canon EOS 450D/Rebel SXi fullres sample images from their jp site

Pretty darn impressive, notice though, the portrait shot used the 85/1.2L and the sports shot used a 400/2.8L IS, I don’t think a lot of 450D users would spend that kindda money on their lenses. But I think it’s cool that they used professional primes so I can really tell how good the sensor is.


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