AE and Extreme fw update

Damn, I’m downloading this right now as I type, maybe this would fix my AE audio dropping issue, but somehow I highly doubt it, because I think the problem is microwaves interfering with the WiFi as they both use the ISM band…

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW):

Apple and their engineers do seem to have been reading the endless posts on their support forums about dropping Airport Express audio streams and other issues. Tonight, they’ve released two firmware updates–one for the Express (v6.3) and one for the Extreme (v5.7)–that claim to address this and other issues.I’ve updated the base stations in my WDS network and the only issue I was having–dropped streaming audio–hasn’t recurred, so tentatively, I’ll say it’s been a successful update.

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Ethical Atheist’s Ten Commandments (Or Suggestions)

Found this on Reddit…

Ethical Atheist’s Ten Commandments

1. Thou SHALT NOT believe all thee art told.
2. Thou SHALT constantly seeketh knowledge and truth.
3. Thou SHALT educate thy fellow man in the Laws of Science.
4. Thou SHALT NOT forget the atrocities committed in the name of god.
5. Thou SHALT leaveth valuable contributions for future generations.
6. Thou SHALT liveth in peace with thy fellow man.
7. Thou SHALT liveth this one life thy have to its fullest.
8. Thou SHALT follow a Personal Code of Ethics.
9. Thou SHALT maintain a strict separation between Church and State.
10. Thou SHALT support ye who follow these commandments.

Microwave and WiFi

I finally figured out the cause of my WiFi dropping once in a while; microwave. When I or any of my neighbors use our super powerful GE stainless steel microwave, my WiFi deteriorate so bad that I can’t even load a web page. (and AirTunes just pauses and it might or might not resume, depending on how long it takes to cook the shit in the microwave ;))… Maybe I’ll finally get a old-fashion router+switch, my place is pre-wired, but I just didn’t feel like having a wire… switching to 802.11a isn’t really an option, having an extra pc card as bad as plugging in a cable…

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Amazon PR–News Release’s hot holiday sellers (Nov. 25 through Dec. 22 based on units ordered)…

— iPods ruled the holiday season in Electronics, owning the top three slots- the Apple 3 GB iPod Nano (Black), the Apple 30 GB iPod with Video Playback (Black), and the Apple 512 MB iPod Shuffle were the top sellers

3GB Nano? They should’ve proof-read thier press releases…