dry/raw denim

After lurking on MyNudies more than I probably should have, I’m kindda intrigued by dry denim… it’s a lot more personal than pre-washed and pre-distressed ones… And now living in California it’s easier to go unwashed for 6 months. It would’ve been impossible in Texas… heh…

Next time I’m in SF I’ll definitely be checking out some Nudies (hopefully) Regular Ralf Dry Selvage or Dry Greycast, and the A.P.C. New Standard in unwashed indigo, and the H&M ones. I heard really good things about jeans at H&M and it’s hard to ignore them because of such low prices!!

Switched from AuthImage to Akismet for spam protection

Most people didn’t like the way comments were handled with authimage and also the fact that I required a user to be logged in to comment… I have just removed authimage and adopted Akismet, let me know if this is any better!!

Stop Comment Spam and Trackback Spam ยซ Akismet

Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short) is a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, so you never have to worry about spam again.

how to get rid of hiccups

How to Get Rid of Hiccups – eHow.com

1. Swallow 1 tsp. white table sugar, dry. A study found that this stopped hiccups immediately in 19 out of 20 people. Repeat up to three more times at 2-minute intervals if necessary.
2. Gulp down a glass of water if the sugar doesn’t work.
3. Eat a piece of dry bread slowly.
4. Breathe in and out of a paper bag. Do not use a plastic bag under any circumstances, and don’t do this longer than 1 minute.
5. Gargle with water (see ‘How to Gargle’).
6. Repeat the above steps until your hiccups stop.

Tips: Keep in mind that hiccups can be caused by eating too fast and subsequently swallowing a lot of air or drinking too much alcohol.

I’ve always wondered why I get hiccups all the times… ๐Ÿ˜†

Nordstrom’s awesome exchange policy, and Mark Nason boots

Nordstrom is awesome. I got a pair of jeans there and had them altered last November, when I picked them up they were a bit too short, but the sales people were really busy coz it was the holiday season so I didn’t push them to exchange it… after I washed them they shrink a bit so they were seriously too short to wear… The idea having a $150 pair of jeans just sitting in my closet started to bother me, so I called Nordstrom’s customer service and they told me to bring them in and have them exchanged. So I went there, walked up to the guy working at The Rail, told him that they were too short, and he just asked me to pick another pair, no questions asked. Pretty damn good customer service. So I exchanged them to a pair of Earnest Sewn Hutch in milk blue 3D. Gonna wash them a couple of times before I go back to get them altered this time. ๐Ÿ™‚ Nordstrom’s men’s denim selection, at least that at the Santa Clara store, wasn’t all the great. They had the usual stuff like Seven, Citizen, and True Religion, those brands are too played out, the other selections were kindda limited…

On my way out I went to check out their shoes, I saw some Mark Nason boots that were really cool. They would go very well with boot cut jeans… ๐Ÿ˜€ I think I’m gonna hold out on these though… maybe they’d go on sale one of these days… heh…

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What was wrong with the sound engineers at the Grammy’s?

I thought the show was pretty damn good, John Legend was freaking amazing! But wtf was wrong with the sound?? the show had crazy feedback and mic problems everywhere… I saw more UE10Pro than Sensaphonics 2X-S at the show… hmm…

Also, there were only maybe 2 performances that were entirely in tune, it was a bit of torture to watch it for us with perfect pitch. Maybe that had to do with the sound engineers too…