Category Archives: Tech

This might help fix my friend’s prejudice on clamshell phones

Stubborn friend of mine asserted that clamshell phone will never be reliable base on a single bad experience he’s had… I’ve had quite a few clamshells that worked perfect after years of serious use… I couldn’t find a clamshell stess test at the LG website, but a brief Google search found me this picture…

Story: Sony Ericsson Tour: Part II (MobileBurn) Clamshell hinge stress test pic

Finally got Bluetooth sync to work in Windows

So I installed the 3COM drivers and software for my 3CRWB6096B Bluetooth PC card last week, setup the virtual ports, but HotSync never showed those COM ports in the pull-down menu.

I was trying to get Internet Sharing to work, after much research and about 15 minutes of trying different things, I concluded that the 3COM driver does not support Internet Sharing. There used to be a patch that would get the Widcomm driver to work with this card, but the patch had been removed from the site.

So after playing with BT for like 15 minutes I decided to give BT HotSync another try… This time I went into the BIOS settings of my POS Dell D600, disabled the IR port, probably disabled the COM port also, not quite sure what I did. Anyway, I booted it back to Windows XP (vs. Gentoo), and wala!! I see COM5 listed in HotSync… Went to the Treo and tried a BT Sync, it worked…

Amazingly all this, plus Internet Sharing, worked out of the box with my PowerBook. LOL!

Windows sucks!!

NetNewsWire Lite 2.0

I downloaded NNW Lite 2.0, it’s quite a bit better than my old version. Now I can blog an RSS entry directly, through most blogging software available in OSX. This is nice. I tried using it with their very own MarsEdit, and Ecto (2.3.2, I renewed my trial!!). Neither software got the Trackback URLs from NNW.

I wonder if their paid version has that feature… 🙂

Oh yeah, I like Ecto a lot more than MarsEdit

VZW Treo 650

I was able to order one via the north VZW store in Austin, should have it this Friday, will blog more about it when I get it. Very excited about this phone, I hope it’d be able to solve my PIM mess