So I installed the 3COM drivers and software for my 3CRWB6096B Bluetooth PC card last week, setup the virtual ports, but HotSync never showed those COM ports in the pull-down menu.
I was trying to get Internet Sharing to work, after much research and about 15 minutes of trying different things, I concluded that the 3COM driver does not support Internet Sharing. There used to be a patch that would get the Widcomm driver to work with this card, but the patch had been removed from the site.
So after playing with BT for like 15 minutes I decided to give BT HotSync another try… This time I went into the BIOS settings of my POS Dell D600, disabled the IR port, probably disabled the COM port also, not quite sure what I did. Anyway, I booted it back to Windows XP (vs. Gentoo), and wala!! I see COM5 listed in HotSync… Went to the Treo and tried a BT Sync, it worked…
Amazingly all this, plus Internet Sharing, worked out of the box with my PowerBook. LOL!
Windows sucks!!