So sarge, the newest stable version of Debian, has been out for a while. My friend Dan has upgraded his server (he gave me free hosting there for years, until I got my own server), and it went smoothly with the exception of some LILO or GRUB problems (I need to ask him what it was exactly, my server boots with GRUB). I replaced “woody” with “stable” in /etc/apt/sources.list, updated the packages list, and here are the aptitude outputs…
Category Archives: Tech
Gallery2 and Safari
I’m not very impressed with the performance of Gallery2, it’s MUCH MUCH slower than G1. I understand it has database backend, the codebase is huge in comparison, yada yada yada… Still, vB is pretty big and it runs quite fast on my server.
I also tried viewing my G2 gallery in Firefox instead of Safari on my PowerBook, and guess what, Firefox is MUCH faster! I know, Safari is not the fastest browser anymore, but still, there must be something about how G2 does CSS or the dynamic shit that makes it super slow in Safari (and probably Konqueror too).
I don’t recommend upgrading your gallery to G2, or using G2, unless you have more than 4k pictures. My snapshot gallery had around 3k pictures and it worked just fine. I guess I could downgrade, my G1 installation is intact, I’ll have to think about this more…
Nivi : Between Metcalfe?s and Reed?s Laws
Snapshot gallery upgraded to G2
I messed up the album database of my snapshot gallery, had to restore from a known-good backup and apply the difference since the backup was made, not a problem. I then decided to upgrade to G2, the upgrade went smoothly, was able to import my Gallery 1 albums without any problem. There was a minor annoyance though; there should a default layout for the top-level gallery, and one for the albums. I wanted the classic theme for the top-level page coz it shows one album per row with the sub-album tree on the right. But for each album, I wanted to use the matrix theme so I get 3 items per row. To accomplish this, I had to set the default to classic, and went into each individual album to change its theme to matrix. Took a while with the number of albums I have.
Also, in the Edit Album page, there should be an option to apply the changes recursively to each sub-album in the tree, this was there in G1, no reason why they can’t do it in G2. It would’ve saved a lot of my time if I was able to set stuff recursively. 🙂
Google Bids to Help San Francisco Go Wireless – New York Times
Google Bids to Help San Francisco Go Wireless – New York Times
So this is what it’s about, they mentioned SF and “Bay Area”, does that include south bay? Would be nice if I can enjoy free wireless at the expense of Google collecting some of my usage patterns with their dedicated VPN server. Though, I will still be tunneling my important traffic through SSH, so good luck decrypting those.
AppleInsider | Rumor: October should deliver new iPods, Pro machines
Long distance love grows
Long distance love grows
hehe, I did use SkypeOut a lot when Sherry was in London. Now she’s in Austin and I’m in the bay area, we do A LOT of SMS messages, and phone calls (we both have unlimtied IN TXTs and calls)… She might use Skype more often if I get her a bluetooth headset, I’ve been looking at the HBH-600 on eBay, coz it comes in different colors! I thought about getting a pair of iSight, but it’s been a while since it was introduced, so I’m gonna wait for the next version.
Apple addresses iPod nano screen complaints
Coincidentally, I got my mom a white iPod Nano for her birthday, and my dad managed to help put a few fine scratches on her screen within hours… hmmm… I myself will never buy a new iPod model until the cases are out. My iPod is scratch-free (even fingerprint-free) as it’s been in a Contour Showcase since I got it.
Apple addresses iPod nano screen complaints
LG VX9800 looks interesting
With the announcement of the Treo 700w, I went to VZW’s site and found this phone, more interesting to me than the 700w… LG VX9800