Category Archives: Tech


With the numerous delays it seems like Vista and PS3 will never come out, but who really cares? OSX has been out for years and it works just fine. Anyone who still runs Windoze either have no choice, as in the case of my work laptop, or are just too lazy to move away from the status quo. XBox 360 is already out and it’s pretty damn kickass, so why the hell would anyone wait for the PS3? They just completely missed the window… I guess being M$ and Sony it’s okay to do that…

scaling the backend of web applications

BeyondVC: The next generation web, scaling and data mining will matter

Web-based operations need an open source way and cheaper option to scale their database needs, move to a data warehousing architecture without breaking the bank, and scale with user growth leveraging commodity infrastructure.

» Shared nothing coming to open source | Open Source |

This is a problem a lot of Web 2.0 start-ups like Technorati, Bloglines and Flickr are facing, and projects like Drupal will face soon. They were built with open source tools, but then find they need to “graduate” to something like a data warehouse. And there’s old Oracle, telling them there’s nothing from an open source supplier that can deliver what they need. Share with us, they say, you don’t have any choice.

Well, now there is a choice. Greenplum CTO Luke Lonergan said that O’Reilly Media, one of Greenplum’s early customers, “graduated” from mySQL to PostgreSQL with Greenplum and got a 100% 100 times improvement in database access speed across a 500 Gigabyte database. Other Web 2.0 start-ups, and projects, can do the same thing.


If SlingPlayer worked on a Mac, I would definitely get a Slingbox… I saw SlingPlayer in action at a coworker’s PC and it’s pretty darn cool!! I would definitely have to upgrade my HDD in my TiVo if I get a Slingbox though… heh…

Actually, I don’t see why TiVo can’t add better place-shifting features into the TiVo box itself. TiVoToGo isn’t good enough, it just downloads the content, but Slingbox allows streaming live content also, which definitely is cool. It should be relatively easy for TiVo to implement, my TiVo is already connected to the Internet via broadband. I guess TiVo mistakenly thought the DVR is the only thing a TiVo box should do, and they forgot to add cool innovations like Sling into their boxes… Now Sling probably got quite a large patent portfolio built up and TiVo would have to license it…
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What a way to launch a new service

Damn, Goog is lame!!

Google Page Creator

Thank you for your interest in Google Page Creator! Google Page Creator has experienced extremely strong demand, and, as a result, we have temporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. In the meantime, please submit your email address and we will notify you as soon as we are ready to add new accounts. Thank you for your patience.

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