Category Archives: Photography

Photography discussions

daily photos and randomness


  • got pretty wasted last night, switched my poison from beer to vodka+soda coz I don’t hit the gym frequent enough to drink beer the way I did. But V+S’ are smaller and I had 6 or 7 of them within 2 hours, drunk karaoke at Hawaii West was fun. I am going to stop drinking for a while. karaokee was also a bad idea.
  • my allSize+ greasemonkey script stopped working yesterday, now it’s really a pain to post pics, maybe I’ll switch back to using Flock. (update: the author posted a fix and now it works again!)
  • vegas is hella hot, fake and boring, so fuck vegas.
  • excited to deploy some significant performance improvements to OnMyList, also, we should finally move to EC2 some time this week.

photos are random today too, first we have a dead bird:

secondly, we have a daily photo with some sort of message as usual

then here we have a photo with some type of juxtaposition of different cultures


I got an idea of a daily photo in mind – “good riddance”, but I haven’t found the right capture for it. Ideas?

Canon announced 1Ds M3 and 40D, 14/2.8L II

I want the 1DsM3, but don’t want to pay $8k for a camera right now, the 40D looks interesting, I need a bigger LCD, higher fps, live view would be interesting for macro shots, better noise control is always desired… But my 20D works just fine, so I don’t know, I will have to wait til I see the 40D for cheap at a deals site… The new 14mm f/2.8 L II would be nice to have too, but unfortunately it will be priced at $2.2k, I don’t need such lens that bad.

40D, Canon’s site
1DsM3, Canon’s site

daily photo: view from my roof

I remember my very first photoshoot in middle school with the school’s photography club was a night shoot in Hong Kong. We went to Cultural Center in TST and then took the Star Ferry to the other side, and then the tram up to the peak, I had a ton of fun and was hooked ever since. I lucked out and actually won second place with one of my shots. 15 years later, feeling uninspired, walked up to my roof and shot some random night photos. San Francisco is beautiful at night.

daily photo (by