Category Archives: Denim & Fashion

Hypebeast: Silly Thing 2006 F/W Release

Hypebeast: Silly Thing 2006 F/W Release:
The 2006 Fall/Winter season of Silly Thing dropped in Hong Kong today. This photo shows the pandemonium that surrounded the opening hour of the release. Also, Silly Thing will also do a collaboration sneaker with Reebok’s legendary Pump Fury model as a future release which will be another item that will definitely be sought after. Stay tuned for more info.

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Another raw denim progress update

My RRDS are 9 weeks old, APC NS are at around 14 weeks, but I rock them both so they are really 4.5 and 7 weeks old respectively. Using available light this time, but they don’t look that much different, and I skate in them every day, I guess I need to learn how to ollie to help add some crazy wear on them…

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Where to shop for denim in NYC

Nice, sounds like NYC finally got a place to get jeans in the same caliber as Denim Bar in DC… Samurai and SugarCane, not bad, not bad!

I just stumbled upon one of the craziest Denim stores in Manhatten. It just opened like 2 days ago!!Anyway, they carry Samurai, Sugar Cane, and Oni Denim. I’m sure there are some other obscure brands too, but all are premium straight from japan.The name of the shop is ‘Blue in Green’Located at:8 Greene St.(Bet. the Cloak store and Canal)I don’t think there is even a sign up or anything cause the place is so new.One more thing, the owners name is Yuji – tell him Brett, from DressCodes, sent you.Happy hunting and shopping…

superfuture® :: supertalk thread

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New denim from APC

The super tight unisex ones are DOPE!!

Only thing I don’t like about them, and I have to confirm this, is that since they are taper so much the selvage is cut off. The denim is still Japanese selvage denim, but you just can’t rock them cuffed to rock the selvage… well, I cuff my jeans because of shrinkage after washing, not really to "show off" the selvage seam, but they do look cool… IMO…


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