I just joined SF Social, a site with a calendar on the cool events around the bay area… The site got this article I thought some of my single friends might find useful. 😉
Author Archives: ayn
Jet-powered VW Beetle
Jet-powered VW bug takes to the street – Engadget
Ron Patrick wanted a VW Beetle with a jet engine (hey, who doesn’t?). But he also wanted to be able to drive it on the open road, rather than just on a closed airport runway surrounded by fire engines and EMT crews. His solution? A dual-engine vehicle, with a normal VW motor for day-to-day transportation, and a GE T58-8F helicopter turboshaft engine converted to run as a jet, to get through rush-hour traffic.
VC Primer from an Entrepreneur?s POV ? The Five Year Plan
VC Primer from an Entrepreneur?s POV ? The Five Year Plan
Technorati Tags: vc
Photoshoot with Miss Vilan
After a couple of dry months the stars finally lined up for a model shoot, I think it went well, Vilan was a really cool model, great to work with.
I took about 600 frames, first pass I flagged 47 of them as post-processing candidates, that’s around 10%, which is extremely high. Usually it’s around 2 out of 100 that I’m happy with. Here are 2 of them:
More at my portfolio.
Technorati Tags: 20d, canon, photography, photoshoot, portrait, glamour
IEEE Spectrum: Unsafe At Any Airspeed?
IEEE Spectrum: Unsafe At Any Airspeed?
Well, I usually enjoy reading about research done by CMU people, but I didn’t like Dan Stancil when I was there. His wireless communications class was a complete joke! Almost everyone scored 99% in the first 3 tests coz we just like plugged in numbers into the equations. I think I got a C in my mid-term report because I screwed up on one question and only got a 98%. I told him that was pretty screwed up because it didn’t test how much we actually knew but just how careful we were plugging in numbers, he didn’t give a shit. He also decided that to have a nice grades distribution he needed to make the final f’king impossible (unless your dissertation was on wireless communication or antenna design, and I was not one of them), that was a totally screwed up class, completely worthless. That was definitely the worst class I took at CMU by far.
That said, he’s probably a great researcher and he probably publishes great work, having all degrees from MIT or something like that…
Technorati Tags: cmu
Life Beyond Code :: “When you can’t earn an MBA…”
For those considering getting an MBA (including myself), Rajesh‘s free eBook is a must-read…
Life Beyond Code :: FREE eBook – “When you can’t earn an MBA…”
Technorati Tags: mba
Everywhere girl found at Microsoft
Macworld: Podcasts: Macworld Podcast #30: Intel Mac minis, iPod Hi-Fi
Macworld: Podcasts: Macworld Podcast #30: Intel Mac minis, iPod Hi-Fi
Cyrus Farivar talked about the iPod HiFi in the MacWorld podcast, he seems to know what he’s talking about, he noted that the iPod HiFi does have distortion, it doesn’t separate, and it has a flat mid-range and low bass. It also has no real soundscape. Sounds like I should go for some serious amplifiers and a pair of Bosendorfer speakers. I have always LOVED their pianos, if they have the expertise to build such amazing pianos, speakers should be piece of cake…
Here’s how the Bosendorfer loudspeakers look like, aren’t they f’king sweet?
Technorati Tags: bosendorfer, ipod, ipod hifi, ipodfamily
Sirius online
So you can get a 3-day trial for Sirius Online, I’m listening to it right now, as expected, the sound quality is crap. I would sign up if I can listen to the Howard Stern show from the morning, I never get up early enough to listen to it. They should make it available to subscribers as a podcast, then I would definitely subscribe…
Technorati Tags: sirius
scaling the backend of web applications
BeyondVC: The next generation web, scaling and data mining will matter
Web-based operations need an open source way and cheaper option to scale their database needs, move to a data warehousing architecture without breaking the bank, and scale with user growth leveraging commodity infrastructure.
» Shared nothing coming to open source | Open Source | ZDNet.com
This is a problem a lot of Web 2.0 start-ups like Technorati, Bloglines and Flickr are facing, and projects like Drupal will face soon. They were built with open source tools, but then find they need to “graduate” to something like a data warehouse. And there’s old Oracle, telling them there’s nothing from an open source supplier that can deliver what they need. Share with us, they say, you don’t have any choice.
Well, now there is a choice. Greenplum CTO Luke Lonergan said that O’Reilly Media, one of Greenplum’s early customers, “graduated” from mySQL to PostgreSQL with Greenplum and got a 100% 100 times improvement in database access speed across a 500 Gigabyte database. Other Web 2.0 start-ups, and projects, can do the same thing.