Author Archives: ayn


These are dope, I’m gonna stop by HufSF to see if they got them this weekend… will ask Sherry to help me color them, I want them in some darker color, coz my raw denims bleed indigo on lighted color kicks… 🙂 HypeBeast has a pretty long thread on AdiColor, some cool pics from the Vancouver AdiColor launch party, with some really cool painted ones…

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With the numerous delays it seems like Vista and PS3 will never come out, but who really cares? OSX has been out for years and it works just fine. Anyone who still runs Windoze either have no choice, as in the case of my work laptop, or are just too lazy to move away from the status quo. XBox 360 is already out and it’s pretty damn kickass, so why the hell would anyone wait for the PS3? They just completely missed the window… I guess being M$ and Sony it’s okay to do that…

how to get rid of a hickey

eHow comes in handy…

How to Get Rid of a Hickey –

1. Apply a cold compress immediately (although that may interrupt a moment of passion). Keep the compress on 20 minutes, off 20 minutes. The cold will constrict blood vessels and help keep the bruise from spreading. (Image 1)

2. If the hickey lasts for more than 48 hours, apply wet, warm compresses to decrease any pain or swelling. Once the blood has stopped spreading around the bruise, apply heat, which dilates blood vessels and thus speeds up the sweeping away of blood cells. In most cases, moist heat is more effective than dry heat, because the moisture helps wick the heat beneath the skin. (Image 2)

3. Apply concealer in a shade that’s lighter than your natural skin color and discreet enough to fend off unwanted attention. (Image 3)

4. Remember that if all else fails, nothing beats a turtleneck sweater – or a scarf in summer.

A.P.C. New Standard

Denim Bar‘s shipping was crazy fast, I ordered them late Wed afternoon and USPS tried to deliver them last Saturday, but Sherry and I were in Carmel and missed the delivery. These NS are crazy tight right now, so far I’ve successfully buttoned one single button… I am really liking the slight tapper cut more and more…

Some pics:

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So the project begins

My Nudie RRDS finally came in today, I ordered them from Kitchener on Feb 19 and they were shipped the following day. Swiss Post took forever, but the wait and the saving was well worth it!

I also got a pair of APC NS coming in from Mauro of The Denim Bar, they are also dry. 2 pairs of raw jeans should keep me busy for the next 2 years or so, no more denim purchase, HEH!!

Some pics:

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