Author Archives: ayn

Adobe engineer explained why no universal binary for PS

Scott Byer wrote in his blog the reasoning behind the decision to hold off a Universal Binary release of PS until 2007. So the main problems, he said, were their f’ked-up legacy 68k codes and using CW when they should’ve migrated to Xcode when they were advised to. I believe Apple told developers to do that 5 years ago. Mathematica probably has as many if not more customized assembly routines yet they released 5.2 as a Universal Binary apps back in February. Same thing goes to Apple’s very own Aperture.

Living Photoshop: Macintosh and the Intel switch.

This comment by coreen is right on the money:

So what your saying is that the last transition was the one where you slacked off and gave the customer a second rate set of tools. I am not trying to be mean or anything but it just sounds like you should have been working on eliminating the old 68k code completely so you would not have to rely on emulators and plug-ins. AND if i remeber last time Adobe was one of the last ones out of the gate to go native…or pseudo-native as it were(besides ..the ahem “other company” but at least they got it right the first time). Then during that time you managed to really concentrate of windows version and its performance. If I were your boss… you’d have been fired for lack of forthought in an ever changing business. Adobe has had enough time and resources to be prepared for something like this. Steve admitted to working on intel processors years back in a keynote. I am so glad i never bought CS2. I will stick with CS1 for now i guess. I appreciate your explanation but it really didn’t garner any sympathy. If I misunderstood anything please correct me.

and this one by Andy:

As a professional software developer I have worked on small private and very large commercial projects, using Codewarrior, VS and XCode on multiple platforms. Not keeping your codebase up-to-date and easily switchable from one tool set to another is lack of foresight and planning.

Yes, maybe your codebase is old and complex. Time for a rewrite, buddy. If you don’t do it, your competitors might just overtake you.

Only big companies like Adobe can afford to ignore that and survive. And the users suffer.

And this by Claudio:

Apple herself is aware of the complexity of this port, so the
guidelines suggest to first compile your project as Mach-O in your
actual development tool, and then port the project to Xcode.

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Cutler and Gross buffalo horn frames

Next time I’m in London I’ll have to go to Cutler and Gross‘s flagship store at 7 Knightsbridge Green to get some glasses…

Cutler and Gross Buffalo Horn Frames:

Made from the horns of African water buffalo, these frames actually encourage our bovine buddies to live a long, fruitful life, as the most beautiful colors come from the oldest beasts. That’s beauty without cruelty.

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China buys Google China buys Google | The Register

China buys Google | The Register :

The People’s Republic of China has acquired a controlling stake in the United States’ fastest growing technology company, Google.

Google announced the transfer of 140m shares of Class B stock to a new entity owned by the Chinese Ministry of Information in typically forthright style. The news was disclosed in a Captcha graphic on its Google Canteen Menu weblog; investors had to click a hidden link to see the announcement, and then decode a stenographically-hidden message watermarked into the JPG file. Once decrypted, the message read:

gee it’s raining here in mountain view and my cats hungry so we thought we’d better update you on our corporate finances. we’ve sold out to china. have a great weekend boo-yah!! lol

No other details were forthcoming.

:lol:, Happy April Fool!

SF Symphony next week

Kindda odd that they’re doing single movement from Mahler No. 10, would be awesome (and difficult) if they would do the whole thing. They also tagged on the Rhine Journey from Wagner’s ring cycle, interesting program selections for sure…

Event Details


Debussy Jeux
Ravel Piano Concerto for the Left Hand
Mahler Adagio from Symphony No. 10
Wagner Siegfried’s Rhine Journey from Götterdämmerung

5th Annual Alumni Entrepreneurship Panel

Just registered for this, should be interesting…

Carnegie Mellon West – Events – 5th Annual Alumni Panel – Entrepreneurship 2006

The San Francisco Bay Area Alumni Chapter of the Tepper School at
Carnegie Mellon would like to invite you to our 5th Annual Carnegie
Mellon Alumni Entrepreneurship Panel on ?Community, Content and

DATE: Thursday, April 27, 2006
TIME: 6:30-9:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Quadras Conference Center, 2400 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: (650) 854-2342

Joining us on the alumni panel will be the following:

Arthur A. Boni – Deputy Director, Donald H. Jones Center for
Entrepreneurship and John R. Thorne Chair of Entrepreneurship, Tepper
School of Business.

Marco DeMiroz (MSIA ’88), Managing Director, Selby Venture Partners

Raj Kapoor (CIT’82), Venture Partner, Mayfield Fund; Former CEO and Founder of

Scott Russell (CS, BS ’82), Managing Director, Diamondhead Ventures.

Shirish S. Sathaye, PhD (ECE, PhD ’93), General Partner, Matrix Partners

Jim Brock, CEO of Attributor, SVP, Communications & Consumer Services at Yahoo!

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Sherry found some W2’s and W3’s in Austin, I got myself a pair of W5’s from Turf… We put the W2’s and W3’s on eBay coz she doesn’t like the hi rise… I’m thinking about keeping the W3’s myself (or asking her to get another pair, probably in size 9)… Turf didn’t have the W3’s in my size…

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