I got the IT department to do a fresh Windoze install on my work Thinkpad, it’s kindda a twice a year ritual, Windows sucks… and to keep things simple, I’m gonna go Skype-only… This is mainly because there isn’t a Windoze IM client I like… So if you need to contact me when I’m at work please Skype me instead (chat preferred over voice calls)…
Author Archives: ayn
get $100 from Sony card, amex bonus membership rewards…
Just applied for this, needed a non-Amex card to replace my MBNA MC anyway, free $100 is free $100… heh…
Apply now for instant approval and enjoy immediate use of your card.Plus, get a $100 card credit after your first purchase. 3Transform your ordinary purchases into extraordinary Sony Rewards – the latest electronics and the hottest CDs, DVDs and games. Complete the online application for the Sony CardSM, get instant approval and start using your card immediately4 to enjoy these benefits: * $100 card credit after your first purchase.3 * Sony Reward points on all your eligible purchases * Introductory 0% fixed APR for up to 12 months.5 * No annual fee. * Earn up to 250,000 points per year.
SonyStyle.com | Sony Card Promotion
Also, there is a 2x AMEX Membership Rewards promo:
technorati tags: amex, credit_cards, finance
man, what an idiot…
"I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound (3.402 kilos) perch in my lake," he told the newspaper in an interview published on Sunday.Bush said the worst moment was September 11 when hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.
Bush’s best moment in office? Reeling in big perch | Top News | Reuters.co.uk
technorati tags: w, bush, stupidity, bush_sucks
NASA Announces Plan To Launch $700 Million Into Space | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source
Need suggestion for Mother’s Day gift?
Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. Instead of figuring out what gifts to send, or sending flowers, consider making a donation in honor of your mother to CARE (or a charity of your choice)…
Technorati Tags: mother’s day
Dog skateboarding
This is freakin’ awesome!!
Technorati Tags: skateboarding
Nudie RRDS 3 weeks update (pics)
I’ve been rocking the RRDS since I got them, I started alternating my RRDS’ and the APC’s last week, the APC’s pretty much look the same as the the last update, but the RRDS’ have worn quite a bit since, here are some snaps (click for full-res):
Technorati Tags: apc, denim, dry denim, jeans, nudie, nudie jeans, rrds
So I got a skateboard
Picked up a board from Circle-A, the guys there were very helpful, I had no idea what I needed so he hooked me up with something appropriate for beginners… They also got some Nike SB Dunks!! Very tempted to cop a pair, but I’ll just skate with my iD Dunks for now…
Skated for the first time in the back of my condo, there is this pathway where people walk their dogs, pretty safe as there is grass on each side so when I fall I just jump over onto the grass… 😀 It was some serious exercise, didn’t expect to sweat so much from skating…
Technorati Tags: skateboarding, sneakers
Built a MY06 MCS
So we’re selling our MINI tomorrow, it will be a very sad day for us. But life goes on, and I’ve just built another one online, it’s pretty much the same car with the following exceptions:
- Limited Slip Differential (LSD), oh yeah baby, gotta have LSD!!!!
- price hike, damn, MCS’ are not cheap now, a reasonably-optioned one costs almost as much as an Evo9 RS, and there is no question which one I would prefer for myself!! a new one that is spec’ed similarly costs more than $2k more than what we paid 3 years ago
- getting the Sport Pack items a la carte; so we can get 16″ wheels instead of 17″, this is to save weight, and 17″ rims and Run Flat tires don’t go well with San Francisco roads. We can also skip the Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), I definitely do not want it, as it’s annoying as hell, I turn it off almost every single time. But we might add the DSC just for resale as most people would prefer having it than not
- I’m adding the Cold Weather Pack (CWP); heated seats and mirrors would be nice for San Francisco
- Rear fog will come from factory instead of DIY’ing it
- I’ll get the armrest from Classic MINI and install that myself
Most likely we’re going to wait for the MY07 cars to roll out, but we might not line up for the very first batch as I am worried about reliability with the amount of design (and motor) changes from 06 to 07. I know the MY06 MINIs will be damn reliable for sure, but we had owned one already, and it’s already May, by the time she completely settled in the city the MY07 models will be available.
Technorati Tags: mcs, mini, mini_cooper_s