Author Archives: ayn

Monokuro Boo


When you’re in Guangzhou, China it doesn’t take very long to get the feeling that Monokuro Boo, a character brand consisting of a pair of minimalist cartoon pigs (one black, one white), has just usurped Hello Kitty as the pop icon of choice for the locals. Monokuro Boo has taken over Chinese fashion accessories, umbrellas, shower caps, windshields, pillows and any other thing with a fairly flat or round surface. Three main reasons for this:

  1. the pigs are quite cute,
  2. they’re simple to draw and can therefore be drawn on anything,
  3. they’re simple to replicate and can therefore be pirated by anybody.

The case of Monokuro Boo in China brings up some interesting issues for minimalism in China. The art and challenge in minimalism is the representation of an object with the least amount of detail as possible. Minimalism is all about stripping something down to its fundamental core. In real world practice this usually means that while this is very difficult creative work, the physical manifestation of it is both beautiful and very easy to copy.Monokuro Boo’s tagline is “simple is best.” But… will piracy change this sentiment?

PSFK: Pirates Love Sanrio Pigs

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dior homme 19cm 1 month update pic

Here’s a cameraphone pic of my 19cm at a month, rocked every single day… They really show more wrinkles than actual wear. I posted this to the DH thread on SuperFuture and got quite a few PMs with questions, so before you post questions here are the details on them jeans (of course if you wanna know more feel free to ask in comments):

  • tag size is 28, blue raw/brut/dry/unwashed 19cm made in Japan
  • never hemmed, so inseam is original at 36″, IIRC
  • copped at dior homme in beverly hills (talk to Cort or Sean if you call them, great guys)
  • measurements after a month: 16.1″ waist, 6.75″ hems
  • no starch

btw, if you subscribe to my feed you would get updates when I add pics to Flickr…

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Sherry got her first dry denim… :)

At Self Edge Sherry got the Samurai Geisha’s, def dope denim quality and very very stiff, the details are amazing… She’s still getting used to the fit, they’re def not something you’d see rocked on girls, well maybe in Japan you’d see some… As usual I took a ton of pics, even on SuperFuture I don’t think I’ve seen pics of girls rocking these…

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Finally made it to Self Edge

We tried to go there last week twice but got there too late both times, we went to the Cliff House today for brunch and went straight to Self Edge today, I’m in lust with the Iron Heart jacket, great fit and it’s like the doppest denim jacket I’ve seen. The sleeves were half an inch too long so I didn’t get it (well, it’s also not cheap and non-selvage, which is a slight turnoff for denim at that kindda price range)… Snapped some pics of the store, I really like it there, Kiya and crew were real cool and very chilled and laid back…

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Oliver Spencer New York

Yet another place I have to visit when I’m in NYC, the store looks real classy…

For over a decade, English gents and international superstars have hadthe privilege of donning Spencer’s sleek, modern look. Now his latestline of menswear is finally available on this side of the pond. Thestore’s design is a direct extension of the collection’s uniqueaesthetic combining traditional English craftsmanship with minimal 21stcentury silhouettes and trends. Spencer himself hopes to teach Americanmen to be more adventurous and embrace their dormant dandyism byembracing an eclectic theme for their wardrobes rather than choosingpieces that all come from the same label. To that end, the store alsocarries some vintage mail bags, several English brands foundexclusively in the U.S. like Linda Farrow sunglasses, Bill Ambergleather bags and Folk Shoes, as well as clothing from Nice Collective,Rogues Gallery, Rag and Bone and Engineered Garments.

Cool Hunting: Oliver Spencer New York



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Treo Google Maps feature request

When I used KMaps I could query my contact database to get street addresses, it uses Java and was pretty darn slow but it works. I’ve switched to the native Google Maps for Treo since it was publicly released, it works great but I now have to go into my address book, copy the street address, remember the zipcode, and go back to the Gmap app, paste in the street address and type in the zipcode from memory. It’s kindda annoying. It would be nice if they would just let me query the address book. Most of the other apps can do that so I’m sure it’s pretty easy to implement.

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