Author Archives: ayn
The web responds to the death of hacker-activist Aaron Swartz — Tech News and Analysis
Study: Running Economy Improves After 4 Weeks in Vibram FiveFingers | Runner’s World & Running Times
I ran with 5+ generations of Nimbus, switched to VFFs a few months ago, don’t think I’ll go back to traditional shoes. I did pick up a pair of NB Minimus Zeros, mainly because of curiosity. I haven’t run with them because of a bruise/injury at the top outer edge of my left foot. It doesn’t hurt with VFFs, but the Minimus are pretty narrow so they hurt like hell right now when I put them on.
After four weeks, Warne remeasured the subjects’ running economy. He found two noteworthy changes: First, the runners had become much more economical in the FiveFingers. While running at the same paces as at the beginning of the study, they were just more than 8% more economical in the FiveFingers than they had been in the same shoes at the beginning of the study.
Second, whereas at the beginning of the study the runners were just a bit more economical in FiveFingers compared to running in the Nimbus, by the end of the study that difference had increased to 6.9%.
via Study: Running Economy Improves After 4 Weeks in Vibram FiveFingers | Runner’s World & Running Times.
Flickr comeback
Before yesterday this was how a lot of us felt about Flickr:
Flickr is still pretty wonderful. But it’s lovely in the same way a box of old photos you’ve stashed under the bed is. It’s an archive of nostalgia that you love dearly, on the rare occasion you stumble across it. You pull them out, and hold them up to the light, and remember a time when you were younger, and the Web was a more optimistic place, and it really was almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world.
via Giz.
Now it has a good chance for a comeback. I love the new iPhone app and the navigate and explore changes, I don’t really care for the filters but since most people don’t care to use apps like Camera+ and Average Cam, filters make most average snapshots look better, and when used properly, give good photos some extra punch.
This app uploads full-res photos to Flickr, that’s a big advantage over sharing photos with Instagram, Facebook, or now Twitter as well.
I am happy to see new friends signing up for Flickr, and the activities definitely spiked over the last 2 days.
I take it all back about Charles Schwab, onward with Fidelity
tl;dr version: Schwab is NOT a good choice for international travelers, use Fidelity instead.
I blogged about switching to Schwab for my banking needs while temporarily living outside the U.S., well, I spoke too soon.
While we were in Hualien for the Taroko half marathon, I got errors trying to withdraw from ATMs with my Schwab card. I called Schwab and was told I had to call the verification department to remove restrictions placed on my accounts. I called the following Monday (their verification department has normal business hours, not 24/7 like their customer service), and this was what happened:
- When I applied for the Schwab account, I came from a Taiwan IP address
- I was told the Schwab One Brokerage and Investor Checking accounts are only for U.S. residents living in the United States
- I have to go into a Schwab location in the States, in person, with 2 forms of identification to verify the account
- If I couldn’t do that, I could either close the account, or convert it to an International Schwab account, which takes a long time to open and is not really the same thing
- It doesn’t matter that I am a U.S. Citizen, they said to comply with whatever banking regulations they couldn’t allow account holders living outside the United States, even temporarily
- Even if I was able to walk in to verify the account this time, if I use foreign ATMs too many times they could potentially re-lock the account without notice and I would have to do the verification in person all over again
This is total bull, if their policy is such that you can’t open accounts with foreign IPs without in-person verification, they should’ve blocked the application until it was verified. However they let me open it, transferred in money, even ACATS in stocks from another brokerage account. They also sent me a box of checks and even sent me the debit/ATM card via FedEx to Taiwan! I could access the account online and with the iPhone app, used the ATM card as normal for almost a month, AND THEN locked me out of everything all the sudden without warnings.
Fortunately I played it safe and hadn’t switched to Schwab as my primary bank yet, so not having access to that cash and not able to trade wasn’t a huge deal. All my holdings are long-term, so I didn’t get screwed too badly. HOWEVER, after the election there was actually a decent selloff, and the portfolio value dipped over 20%, I could not do anything about it, but since they’re very long shares, I probably wouldn’t have done anything about it either.
My main reason for choosing and recommending Schwab was foreign ATM transactions fees refunds while traveling internationally, but fact that they would lock the accounts randomly due to out-of-States usage makes Schwab a HORRIBLE choice. So, if you plan to travel outside U.S. for an extended period of time, do not count on being able to access your Schwab account.
I ended up opening a Fidelity account with similar offerings, and transferred everything from Schwab to it. I used a VPN with a U.S. IP address close to my U.S. mailing address to do the application this time just in case. I had to call Fidelity once with a few questions, and was told they wouldn’t care even if I lived permanently outside the U.S., I can have the accounts as long as I am a citizen.
Also, with Schwab, every time I setup an account for ETF transfer, I had to call them to finalize the link even after I typed in the verification deposit amounts. It was pretty annoying but I only had to do that once per account I wanted to setup ETF for. When I applied for the Schwab account I enabled Bill Pay in the application, but it was never automatically setup. I had to call and it took 3 weeks to get working. Fidelity’s setup process has been a lot more seamless.
And just to avoid any accidental account lock-ups, while traveling outside your home area, it’s best to use a VPN with an IP address close to home to access financial sites and iOS apps. I’m trying Astrill with an IP from Los Angeles, where my Virtual Post Mail virtual address is.
Finally closing all bank/brokerage accounts with virtual keyboards
UPDATE: I don’t recommend Schwab anymore
4 years ago I blogged about how much I hated financial sites with virtual keyboards. They are inconvenient, and they encourage shorter, easier to type, less secure passwords. Also 1Password can’t automatically fill them. I tweeted about it once and @tradeking replied and said it was to prevent keyloggers. While that might be true, it certainly didn’t prevent the guy behind me on a plane or at a coffeeshop from knowing my password.
I recently opened a Schwab account mainly because they refund all international ATM fees with no minimum balance requirements, and no fees whatsoever. I love them so much I ACATed my TradeKing account over, and I will also be moving funds from 2 other online checking/savings accounts and then closing them when the transfers complete. So now with HSBC and TradeKing gone, I no longer have to tolerate virtual keyboards.
If you’re not completely happy with your bank, I highly recommend Schwab. Also take a look at Fidelity, they have similar offerings and an AMEX 2% cashback card. Schwab had a 2% visa signature card a couple of years back, but it is now gone.
Ripping Off The Bloody Band-Aid | massive greatness by MG Siegler
Apple chose to rip off the band-aid.
via Ripping Off The Bloody Band-Aid | massive greatness by MG Siegler.
“most people don’t ‘calendar in’ their friends”
Too true. I was pretty surprised people don’t do that here in Asia, very weird.
People Are Awesome [video]
Believe you can change — Aaron Swartzs — Raw Thought
In the growth mindset, success comes from growing. Effort is what it’s all about — it’s what makes you grow. When you get good at something, you put it aside and look for something harder so that you can keep growing.
Fixed-mindset people feel smart when they don’t make mistakes, growth-mindset people feel smart when they struggle with something for a long time and then finally figure it out. Fixies try to blame the world when things go bad, growthers look to see what they can change about themselves. Fixies are afraid to try hard — because if they fail, it means they’re a failure. Growthers are afraid of not trying.