It is hard to believe that half of 2007 has passed already. It seems like yesterday that I was smoking hookah and taking pictures at Tayson’s nye party… Suffice to say that lots have happened in my life in this period of time, but I look forward to the new half and the future with hopes and excitements. To those who have been there for me and reached out to me in the most difficult times, thank you so much!
Author Archives: ayn
OnMyList: Bushisms: Todays Top 10
- 10. We cannot let terrorists hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.:
- 9. You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.:
- 8. It’s clearly a budget. It’s got a lot of numbers in it.:
- 7. Too many OB/GYN’s aren’t able to practice their, their love with women all across this country.:
- 6. One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.: And sometimes you can color them.
- 5. People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history.: Nuf said.
- 4. He can’t have it both ways. He can’t take the high horse and then claim the low road.: Rrriiiggghhhttt.
- 3. Will the highways on the Internet become more few?: God I hope not.
- 2. More and more of our imports come from overseas.:
- 1. I appreciate preservation. It’s what you do when you run for President, you’ve got to preserve.: Is our children learning? would have been too easy.
Check out this list at OnMyList, where you can list your pants off!
Damon Dash looks to cash in on the social networking craze – June 1, 2007
At least he’s honest… heh…
Damon Dash looks to cash in on the social networking craze – June 1, 2007:
Dash’s new Web venture is BlockSavvy, a site aimed at what he dubs the “urban-lifestyle demographic.” When I ask what motivated this endeavor, Dash answers bluntly, “Money.” When I ask him to elaborate, he turns to Burke, who explains, “After MySpace sold for $580 million, we said, damn, we gotta get us some of that.”
Hundreds Click on ‘Click Here to Get Infected’ Ad
Hundreds Click on ‘Click Here to Get Infected’ Ad:
The fact that 409 people clicked on an ad that offers infection for those with virus-free PCs proves that people will click on just about anything.
haha, I’d like to see a breakdown of operating system as well or did they equate PC to Windows? well, IE almost always runs on Windows (I remember Sherry had IE on her Mac like 5 years ago though, don’t remember what cat that was, Jaguar maybe, or maybe the cat before that…)
Technorati Tags: stupidity
email parameter to gravatar is case-sensitive
I just installed the gravatar plugin to my comments display, I was able to see Tiffany‘s gravatar but not mine, I went in and edited my comment, changed my email address to all lower case, it worked. Looking at the code for the plugin, it uses an MD5 hash for the email parameter, so uppercase get hashed to a different key as lowercase… Very strange, not sure why they didn’t just use the email address as the hash key. Anyway, to get it to work I “downcased” the email address, but obviously this would not work if you registered with a mixed-case email address at gravatar.
Another thing to note is that to have multiple email addresses associated with a single account you have to “upgrade” to their “premium” service, this is kindda strange, they should at least allow like 3 email addresses. I just ended up registering 3 times with 3 different emails… So the single address restriction did not do anything but waste Amazon S3 storage and database records…
If you’re not a programmer and would like to get the plugin to downcase, here’s the modified version of the plugin, all I added was the strtolower() method.
function gravatar($rating = false, $size = false, $default = false, $border = false) { global $comment; $out = "".md5( strtolower($comment->comment_author_email)); ... |
Technorati Tags: gravatar
We’ve launched OnMyList! Check it!!
After a small private launch last week, I am very excited to announce that we have publicly launched OnMyList!! Our beta testers love it, and I hope you will too!
The 3 most important things to do with OnMyList:
- Check it out! Join it! Upload a profile pic! You can look through other member’s lists, rate them, comment on them. Please try to make at least 2 lists yourself. You can also blog lists to your blogs, or digg them!
- Tell all your friends about OnMyList! If you like it and you have a blog, write about it there!
- Send us any feedback you have, you can also post them as comments here.
That’s it! Go at it and have fun!
“Calamari” iPhone ad
Just saw the “Calamari” iPhone ad, I’ve been to Pacific Catch a couple of times, and I don’t think they serve calamari, lol… to be fair, the guy searched for “seafood”, which they do have…
digital_denim’s Samurai contest jeans 7 months update
We skipped a month, but these are 7 months pics of the evolution of the contest Samurai’s from digital_denim, contestant #2 of the supercontest. (If you are looking at this in an RSS reader, most likely you will have to view this post in a web browser to see this slideshow). Sorry I didn’t take very many photos this time, started shooting kindda late and didn’t get long enough sun light…
You can compare them to images of month 5, month 4, month 3, month 2, and first month.
Technorati Tags: denim, denim contest, dope shit, dry denim, raw denim, samurai, selvage denim, superfuture
More on broadband speed, Comcast this time
Drove back to Santa Clara just now, ran the test at home with my Comcast HSI, the San Jose server is dead slow but when I used the SF one it shows pretty decent speed:
When I use the Speakeasy speed test it shows crazy fast speed though:
Download Speed: 21623 kbps (2702.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 360 kbps (45 KB/sec transfer rate)