I remember my very first photoshoot in middle school with the school’s photography club was a night shoot in Hong Kong. We went to Cultural Center in TST and then took the Star Ferry to the other side, and then the tram up to the peak, I had a ton of fun and was hooked ever since. I lucked out and actually won second place with one of my shots. 15 years later, feeling uninspired, walked up to my roof and shot some random night photos. San Francisco is beautiful at night.
Author Archives: ayn
daily photo: footsteps
daily photos: c-town, a sunday afternoon moment
daily photo: 相濡江湖中
this is how it’s done (tangerine’s waywt shoot vid)
original post at superfuture
now you can add images and youtube videos to your lists at OML
I just deployed a major revision to our production site, Jeff added the ability to upload images and embed youtube videos to list items… There were also a ton of performance optimizations that have been done… check it!
daily photo: plastic bag
daily photo: “bridge”
Today I used my 70-200/2.8L, it was my dream lens back in high school but one that I really don’t use very often. Here’s today’s daily photo, yes the seagulls are real, but dynamic range was increased in post-processing by opening the raw file at 2 different EVs. San Francisco is amazingly beautiful.
If you fancy a high resolution version of this photograph, try this link.
Technorati Tags: golden gate bridge, san francisco
All locked-up | Economist.com
well, it was only a matter of time really…
All locked-up | Economist.com:
NO ONE wants to be stuck in a house when the floor is shaking underfoot, however palatial the mansion. Some investors have found this out the hard way as subprime-related troubles have rattled parts of the hedge-fund industry, leading to steep losses at funds such as Sowood Capital, Basis Capital and United Capital Asset Management. Until recently, investors were jostling with each other to gain access to the best alternative investments. Of those who got in, some now face the opposite problem: how to get out.