Author Archives: ayn

daily photos and Fee-Fee’s flickr photoset

I’ve gone through most of my Flickr and added more photos to Fee-Fee’s photoset, I also uploaded over a hundred pics from my Treo. I’m sure I still don’t have everything in there, but right now there are over 500 photos! (well some are family only and some are friends&family only).

Here’s one of him at Cypress Inn in Carmel:

MG_3507 (by

Fee-Fee in Napa:

MG_0711 (by

Fee-Fee looking at me from the stairs during one of my photoshoots:

MG_4216 (by

His first airplane flight:

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In one of my waywt (what are you wearing today?) pics outside my Santa Clara condo:

waywt (by

And another one of him helping me testing out my Alien Bee softbox:

Fee-Fee after grooming (by

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daily photo: our yorkie Fee-Fee Sun, R.I.P.

Fee-Fee after shower (by

Our beloved yorkie, Fee-Fee Sun, left us today at around 1pm. He was 6 years old and 5 and a half pounds. It was an accident. He was at his favorite park, Washington Square, with his favorite pink toy, and he was attacked by a bigger dog. The big dog picked Fee-Fee up and twisted his neck, which fractured his vertebrate instantly. We rushed him to Marina Animal Hospital in a cab, I held him closely the entire time and his heart was beating initially but it stopped when we got to the hospital. He was pronounced dead on arrival, an X-Ray was performed to showed his fractured neck. We were told nothing could’ve saved him, but he did not suffer much pain. He will be cremated and we will keep his ashes.

Fee-Fee had a great life. He was well-travelled, he had been to the Twin Cities (MN), Austin, Houston, San Antonio, San Marcos, New York City, Carmel, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and Napa Valley. He flew on airplanes countless times, since he was 6 months old. Lots of people loved him, and we will always love him and remember him. He looked like he was just asleep when he left us, we just had him groomed and his teeth professionally cleaned so he was looking his best.

His favorite things to do were tommy scratching, licking, sunbathing, playing fetch, joining his daddy and mommy for naps, going to the parks, getting walked, riding cars and sticking his little head out the window, and recently he had enjoyed going to Caffe Sapore to visit his godmother Jen. He was also really good at posing for pictures, a great doggie model. Here’s one in my studio:

MG_6670 (by

It is hard to believe that he is not with us anymore, and that he died so easily. He woke us up this morning and I fed him his usual food, walked him down to a Chinese dim sum place and got some breakfast to-go. Sherry and I fed him yummy dim sum and he loved it.

Please take a moment to give your love ones (pets and people!) a hug, say something sweet to them, don’t take anything or anyone for granted. Fee-Fee had brought us so much joy and happiness, and he kept me company during the most difficult times. Fee-Fee, rest in peace, and you will be dearly missed. We will always love you.

Flickr photoset of Fee-Fee Sun’s pictures

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Amazon Web Services Blog: Amazon EC2 Gets More Muscle

This is pretty cool, we have 5 (small) instances for OnMyList right now, the database instance could DEFINITELY size up to large or extra large. 🙂

Amazon Web Services Blog: Amazon EC2 Gets More Muscle:

The Amazon EC2 team just added Large and Extra Large instance types to EC2. The former “one size fits all” instance type is now known as a Small instance.

Large instances are 4 times larger in each dimension (CPU power, RAM, and disk storage) than the Small instances and cost $0.40 per hour. Extra Large instances are 8 times larger in each dimension and cost $0.80 per hour.

Both of the new instance types support 64-bit computing. While the Large Instance type offers 7.5 GB RAM, the Extra Large Instance Type offers 15 GB RAM (compared to the Small instance type and its 1.7 GB RAM).

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new Skyline GT-R

Breaking News: Undisguised 2009 Nissan GT-R:

Most of the specifications aren’t expected to be announced until Nissan’s Tokyo show press conference on October 24, but today we know that the all-wheel-drive 2009 GT-R will get a 3.8-liter twin-turbo V6 that produces 473 horsepower and 434 pound-feet of torque. It’ll drive all four wheels through a rear-mounted transaxle. The only transmission will be a GR6 dual-clutch six-speed automatic.

don’t care what they call these fancy trannies nowadays, no clutch pedal right? that sucks…

Nissan says the GT-R will accelerate from zero to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds, finish the quarter-mile in 11.7 seconds and reach a top speed of 192 mph. Base price is expected to be less than $80,000.

shit man, that sounds like fun.

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