Author Archives: ayn

daily photo: Bear with the 580EX II

Got the 580EX II this morning, was unimpressed at first as I am partial to monolights. I hooked it up with my PocketWizards and it wasn’t 100% reliable, not sure why, probably need a better sync cord between the 580EXII to the PW, I was using the one that came with the PW, I’ll turn off auto-power-off next time too, that might’ve been the problem. They should really make a Speedlite with PW built in!

I experimented with different settings and I remember Ming suggested manually setting the zoom head to a longer focal length while shooting at a much wider focal length. This gives you a spotlight look, which is a lot more interesting that regular straight-on flash. When I was really close to the subject I also had to tilt the head down (it goes like 2 degree lower than straight).

I’m starting to like the 580EX II, I can take spontaneous shots, without taking readings with a lightmeter. With my PWs I can also use it off camera with modifiers to provide higher quality light at an angle… The AF assist beam is badass too, helps AF immensely in low light conditions. Overall it’s definitely a huge upgrade from my 380EX. ๐Ÿ™‚

manual zoom setting on the 580ex2 (by

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Shopping in San Francisco – San Francisco Self Edge – Travel – New York Times

Pretty cool, Self Edge got onto NYT… ๐Ÿ™‚

Shopping in San Francisco – San Francisco Self Edge – Travel – New York Times:

The denim that true jeans aficionados clamor for these days is from Japan, not the United States, and nowhere is that more apparent than at Self Edge, a boutique in the Mission District of San Francisco.

The store, which opened last year, is something between a premium specialty shop and a museum dedicated to a yearning for past quality ? a sentiment easily detected in the antique wooden furniture and Persian rugs that decorate the shop. Pairs of well-worn jeans hang behind glass on one wall. On another wall, visitors can look through racks of so-called selvedge denim ? the kind made famous in the ’50s and which can be as heavy as 21 ounces per square yard. According to Kiya Babzani, the owner of Self Edge, some of the labels sold at the store, which include Iron Heart and Flat Head, are available nowhere else in North America.

Open Social, Is it gonna be like AOL (closed) vs the rest of Internetz? Open Social: a new universe of social applications all over the web:

In a nutshell, Open Social is an open web API that can be supported by two kinds of developers:

* “Containers” — social networking systems like Ning, Orkut, LinkedIn, Hi5, and Friendster, and…

* “Apps” — applications that want to be embedded within containers — for example, the kinds of applications built by iLike, Flixster, Rockyou, and Slide.

This is the exact same concept as the Facebook platform, with two huge differences:

* With the Facebook platform, only Facebook itself can be a “container” — “apps” can only run within Facebook itself. In contrast, with Open Social, any social network can be an Open Social container and allow Open Social apps to run within it.

* With the Facebook platform, app developers build to Facebook-proprietary languages and APIs such as FBML (Facebook Markup Language) and FQL (Facebook Query Language) — those languages and APIs don’t work anywhere other than Facebook — and then the apps can only run within Facebook. In contrast, with Open Social, app developers can build to standard HTML and Javascript, and their apps can then run in any Open Social container.

daily photo: Bear is home!

We got a puppy from a really nice breeder lady on YorkieTalk (yeah there is a forum for Yorkie lovers!), he flew in from Michigan this afternoon. His name is Bear, he looks kindda like a little bear imo. Bear is very sweet, he doesn’t bark at all, and he is tiny at around 2.5lb. He is a gorgeous yorkie and we are really happy we got him. ๐Ÿ™‚

I managed to take some photos of him on my bed with my softbox, here’s the only one I’ve processed so far:

Bear is home! (by

He’s on Dogbook too! I renamed my wifi ssid to The Bear Cave. ๐Ÿ™‚

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daily photo: Fee-Fee and his “girlfriend”

Sherry spent hours today helping me organize and clean my apartment to prepare for our yorkie puppy Bear‘s arrival, he will be flying in from Michigan tomorrow afternoon! We miss Fee-Fee so much, he was such a good doggie. We got another yorkie coz we just love Fee-Fee so much! Yorkies are really special to us. Rest in peace my Fee, we will always love you.