Author Archives: ayn

Sidney’s waywt project

Congrats and too bad I probably won’t be able to make it to the show in nyc, here’s the video Sidney did after his year-long project.

What Are You Wearing Today? Video from Sidney Lo on Vimeo.

An excerpt from his exhibition:

?From 1980 to 1981, performing artist Teching Hsieh punched a time clock every hour on the hour, twenty-four hours a day, for an entire year, to observe the passage of time. My series, entitled What Are You Wearing Today?, is an exercise in time and digital replication. I photographed myself everyday for an entire year, from March 10th, 2007 until March 10th, 2008. Like Teching Hsieh?s Time Piece, I illustrated the passage of time by shaving my head and letting it grow throughout the duration of my work. This subject of transience can also be observed by my jeans, which I have worn every single day to coincide with my growing hair. Both elements signify change and growth that conformed to my body throughout this year-long piece.

This series examines the digital era and how we interact with others in the 21st Century. Popular examples of this self-documentation can be seen with photographer Noah Kalina?s video, Everyday, that garnered over eight million views on YouTube and his six year self-portrait video has even been subject to parody in the animated series, The Simpsons. Now, more than ever, digital imagery has become a readily accessible tool for communicating and sharing ideas.

What Are You Wearing Today? derives from Superfuture, an online resource for global travelers and shoppers. Alongside an appreciation for Japanese-made artisan reproductions of American jeans, W.A.Y.W.T., a clothing thread within Superfuture?s message board, spans thousands of pages containing photographs documenting what Superfuture?s users are wearing. While creating this work, I actively participated in this daily ritual and even went so far as to meet other users in real life around New York City, Boston, and San Francisco. Since merging online posting with real-life interaction, this work imbues the natural process of evolution in communities such as Superfuture in ways that reflect on the direction of our emerging technologies and grapple with the delicate balance between analog and digital resources in our daily lives.”

Flickr Leech beta is live

I like it, I’ve visiting flickrleech to check out the Interestingness stream at least once a day for years, it’s also a great way to check out anyone’s Flickr stream… The new version’s beta just came out:

Flickr Leech beta is live! (by

I prefer the original version for its usage of square thumbnails, but found out I can get it back from the preference pane:

Much better:

Flickr Leech beta (square thumbs) (by
Check it out at

BusySync 2.0 Beta

I’ve been looking for a simple way to sync and share multiple calendars between iCal and GCal, BusySync 2.0 just went beta and I gave it a try. It’s almost there, a major problem is that I can only sync with one Google account. A lot of us have at least two – a personal one and a work one (with Google apps for domains), I have 3 of them (I don’t use my personal one but would probably use it if it makes syncing calendars easier, I know I can create multiple calendars per account and share private feeds so I can use a single account to work with the other accounts but I will stress that simple is the goal here).

I actually haven’t tested out the syncing part thoroughly, so far I’ve done what I would call subscribing, will make some appointments on both iCal and GCal later to see how it well handles them.

The other slight problem is that it’s 20 bucks and I need a license on each computer, I need at least 2 and 40 bucks for syncing calendars is quite a bit IMO… I don’t have the time for it or I’ll write it myself, I’m sure it’s non-trivial though, coz it’s been forever since gCal came out and there still isn’t something that works well. What I used to do is to subscribe to a private feed and make modifications on GCal only, so my iCal has an read-only view.

For syncing info between my Mac and my Treo Missing Sync works extremely well, the Blackberry version works well also.The guys at Mark/Space seems to understand syncing really well, maybe they should write an ical/gcal sync.

SFist: When DumbPeople Look at SmartCars

LOL, ours should be here in like 2 weeks, but I have no idea when it is really gonna show up…

During our brief stay, a steady stream of people best described as “Americans” arrived in small boisterous groups with the apparent intention of mocking the innocuous FourTwos (that’s the model name) on the showroom floor — their incisive commentary included such gems as “it’s a glorified golf cart!” and “that’s retarded!” The long-suffering and apparently very, very patient sales staff offered to make appointments for test drives.

[From SFist: When DumbPeople Look at SmartCars]

AppleInsider | Apple, Nike to tie iPod nanos into gym equipment

Cool, maybe I’ll like those machines more at 24 Hour Fitness… I much rather run outside…

Among the participating gyms are 24 Hour Fitness nationwide and Virgin Active Health Clubs internationally, where members will see workout data from their Nike + iPod sport kits converted to ?CardioMiles? following each work out, so that they can easily set goals and participate in challenges with runners and with users of other cardio equipment.

[From AppleInsider | Apple, Nike to tie iPod nanos into gym equipment]