Author Archives: ayn

Well, I think the $100 512MB Shuffle is the real seller

I agree that the $199 4GB mini is a better deal than the 1GB Shuffle, but the big iPods are way better deals if you care about GB/dollar.

I believe research and focus group have shown that $100 is the sweet spot for consumers. They don’t look at GB/dollar, as most of them really don’t need more than 512MB.

Now, it will be interesting when flash prices come down so they can sell the 1GB Shuffle for $100.

AppleInsider | Apple’s 4GB iPod mini outselling newer models, more…

Ten ways to live longer – –

1. oversleeping is kindda fun, I wish I had time to do it more often…

2. I’m an optimist

3. I’m doing alright

4. I have Fee-Fee, he’s such a cool dog

5. I workout regularly so I’m prolly okay

6. Been working on it, probably not working on it hard enough

7. don’t smoke

8. chill out prolly too much, which contradicts #6

9. I take enough antioxidants, blueberries in my post-workout protein shakes

10. don’t plan on it any time soon, IMO it contradicts #6

Ten ways to live longer – –

Model No-Show frustration

I hate it, this was the second time I got a no-show. This time is worse coz I actually confirmed with the model this afternoon and she said she planned to be here. We had also met up at a coffee shop last Thursday to talk about the shoot.

There might’ve been a good reason, but she used to have “Upcoming: TFCD shoot with Austin photographer Andrew Ng” on her OneTalentSource page, now it doesn’t say that, so I am fairly sure she really just blew me off. WTF…

There was a documentation meeting from 5 to 10pm at work and I had to take off at 7:30 for the shoot. Spent half an hour setting up the studio… I think I’m gonna stick with paid models or paid shoots from now on, if I do TFP I’d take a deposit. This is insane, and extremely frustrating. At least I didn’t rent any equipment or hired any markup artist. jesus…

oh yeah, her name is Elizabeth Austin Schoenfeld, in case any fellow Austin photographer wanna do a photoshoot with her. Proceed with caution.

While I’m at it, the first model that was a no-show was Jennifer Payne, OMP #167440.