Author Archives: ayn

TWS weekend

Just got back from TWS, first day was real nice, not too hot until later in the day, took me a good 2 sessions to get back up to speed as the last time I was out there was about 6 months ago. The tires held up pretty well, I guess I am just not fast enough.

I really need to go to the track more often, but it’s such a PITA to drive out there and stuff. Next weekend if I work a corner on Sat I’ll get free track time on Sun, so I might do that.

Oh yeah, Peter traded in his Evo for an Evo RS, that car is sweet!! I would’ve bought an RS instead of MR if they could find me one. He had to drive out to California to pick it up, I don’t want one that bad myself. The MR is supposed to be faster at the track, but of course it’s the driver that really matters, and I suck. 🙁

Sunday was raining all day, only got one session in, but it was alright, at least I got to drive the MR in the rain. It felt pretty good, but people weren’t driving fast enough and running the 1.8-mile course you pretty much can only pass in the straigtaway…

Ecto new release

Kudos to the Ecto development team, the new version is way better, this came when I got 3 days left in my evaluation. Very nice! I’ll probably get it when it expires. I wonder if they upgraded the Windoze version or not, I’ll find out when I get into the office tomorrow…

Schneier on Security: Blowfish on

Schneier on Security: Blowfish on “24”

I immediately thought of Bruce Schneier when I watched 24, which is probably my favorite TV show. (I only TiVo 2 TV shows, 24 and OC, yeah, don’t laugh)…

I was like, damn, they know their shit, Blowfish algorithm… but then they said they had proprietary algo to crack it, I was like, damn, maybe the gov’t got a backdoor in this one too, but then she said brute-forcing it, LOL! Too funny!


I got an Daily Feedback Report from Xanga. I don’t even know I had an account there. After trying several usernames and passwords I got in, turn out my Xanga name is andrewyng. HAHA! Apparently I registered about 2 years ago so I could search something.

Anyway, I got the email coz some chick with a web cam left a message in my Xanga guestbook. I’m sure it was just a spider that goes through all Xanga guestbooks and leave messages to advertise her cam site. I went there and she’s actually not bad looking!! I’m not linking to it coz it’s sorta borderline pr0n, I’m sure you perv can find the link yourself…

I feel so young that I actually am a Xangan. I don’t really understand why people use it, it sucks, can’t teenagers tell that TypePad is way better? More often the not I can’t even see the text in their Xanga pages, the background music is usually pretty anonying coz I can’t stop it from playing in Safari. Maybe I’m getting old, I’d rather use RSS and better blog site-software. With RSS feeds I keep up with all my friends’ blogs easily, I trackback or make comments easily. Xanga actually has RSS feeds but of course they don’t tell you as they didn’t bother embedding ads in the RSS feeds like Feedburner does, so they lose money if people start using RSS readers to read the free blogs on their site. Well, enough ranting about Xanga…