Switched comments system to IntenseDebate

I just switched to IntenseDebate, the plugin is dope, it imports your existing comments to IntenseDebate, and when a new comment is posted it also adds it to your blog’s database, so there is zero cost to try it as you can always switch back.

I enabled Facebook Connect and Twitter login, when you post a comment you will have the option to post to your wall or tweet it. It also supports OpenID, and personally I always use that when it’s supported.

One thought on “Switched comments system to IntenseDebate

  1. Shamala Devi Darmalingam

    Hi i'm trying out intensedebate on my new blog. I've enable facebook connect and it works perfectly execpt for the part of comments being posted back on facebook wall or newsfeed. Wondering if you could help me out with the neccessary settings for that to happen.


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