37signals also saw the benefits of AWS

37signals moved TaDaList to run on pretty much the same things I’m using: EC2, EBS, Elastic IPs, Apache, Passenger. They also started from the same Ubuntu Intrepid images. 🙂

Joshua posted more info on their setup in the comments section of the blog post:

Joshua Sierles 28 Nov 08


Our custom image is based on the Ubuntu Intrepid images from Alestic. We install useful EC2 gems and base packages, bundle, then provision each instance by role. Working with EC2 is so easy, we don?t see much value in using a third-party provider for our scale.


EBS and Elastic IPs were the primary motivation for moving to EC2 . We use EBS extensively: for MySQL data, logs and local repository mirrors. Performance so far is excellent. Snapshotting volumes is a breeze and makes setting up MySQL slaves and staging environments really easy.

[From Ta-da List on Rails 2.2, Passenger And EC2 – (37signals)]

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