- our ec2 instance now got EBS f/ persistence db storage, huge thx to @rayvinly for staying up late with me… multiapps setup almost wrkng.. #
- downloading 2.1 #
- gonna go into the genius bar to see if they would do something about cracked plastic trim on the upper case of my mbp #
- faster backup/sync, NOT! #
- @seoulfully just upgraded your WP to 2.6.2 via svn #
- Still line at apple store for iPhones. WTF. #
- They would replace upper mbp case but I can go without my laptop for 5 days so gonna do it later. #
- Like maybe after I upgrade and transfer data over when new mbps come out later this year.
- @garru Cappuccino ftw! #
- @sidneylo lawyers usually do #
- @seoulfully i just upgraded, didnt have the time to go the restore route, worked fine #
- @seoulfully should just soak with jeans on #
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