- @cottonduck dude there is one already. It’s the official Twitter fb app. It can update your fb status. #
- Shaving fail. Need to buy shaving cream from Kiehls. Also a little hung over. #
- At techcrunch 50. #
- “Basically, the collider is a series of tubes intended to guide protons as superconducting magnets propel them close to the speed of light.” #
- looking into using EBS… #
- sometimes ?-T takes FOREVER in textmate, what gives? #
- Act in Project > Find in Project in textmate http://tinyurl.com/5kjdxt #
- GoodGuide is the big winner from the judges… http://tinyurl.com/5g28dl #
- nice, Joss Whedon is in this panel… #
- Open bar. But I’m not drinking. This is a first. #
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