PSFK: Facehunters 2.0 : Wardrobe Remix:
wardrobe_remix is a DO IT YOURSELF street fashion community. think of street fashion photography. if you are unfarmiliar with street fashion photography and need references, i suggest you check out the very cool street fashion site to get an idea of the type of photos/photography we’re going for here. also try googling the following terms: “street fashion”, “japanese street fashion”, “fruits”.
and just to clarify: this is not a community just about refashioning clothing, or about thrifted or handmade clothing, though some participants do wear clothing that originates from those sources. whatever you wear, wherever it’s source (designer, mass-market/high street, thrift/charity, handmade–it’s ALL good): show us how you CREATIVELY put your everyday duds together.
Go and check out, join and share this neat fashion photo community on flickr.
Wardrobe Remix flickr pool
Bits and Bobbins (the initiators)