SkypeOut calls within US and Canada no longer free starting 2007

I use SkypeOut at home a lot since they made calls to US and Canada free, I mainly use it to call non-Verizon people doing peak hours and also to call customer service numbers that I expect to be put on hold for an extended period of time. Starting 2007 calls to non-tollfree numbers will no longer be free. I will still use it for toll-free CS numbers for sure… 30 bucks per year for unlimited US calls is not a bad deal if I use it enough… I was able to dial down the voice portion of my cellphone plan because of Skype… Actually I would use it a lot more if it worked well on my POS IBM ThinkPad work laptop, but it just doesn’t work very well, voice quality is shit on that thing, and it’s worse if I use it with a Bluetooth headset… and I refuse to bring in my own Mac to work just to use Skype…

Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Time For Skype To Start Charging In The U.S.

Unlimited yearly calling will cost $29.95. If you purchase the plan before January 31, 2007, it will only cost $14.95. Without an unlimited plan, users can pay 2.1 cents per minute to calls within the U.S. and Canada, which is the same as the rate for international calls.

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