Greenspun blogged about how he hired a Pakistan guy for $10 to pull together information from Amazon to complete this article. pretty interesting what people would do for $10… I must confess that I haven’t read the entire article, but Philip Greenspun, creator of, serious photographer and professor at MIT, should know what he is talking about… but I downloaded the portrait picture taken with the 70-200/2.8L IS, looked at it in PS, the model’s eyes weren’t exactly sharp!! hmmm… focal length was 115mm, full frame, shutter speed was 1/200s with IS, so that should’ve been plenty fast. The shirt was actually tack sharp, so maybe focus was off because of the infamous “focus-then-recompose” problem? 😉 hmmm…
Philip Greenspun’s new “How to build an EOS system” article
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