Nordstrom’s awesome exchange policy, and Mark Nason boots

Nordstrom is awesome. I got a pair of jeans there and had them altered last November, when I picked them up they were a bit too short, but the sales people were really busy coz it was the holiday season so I didn’t push them to exchange it… after I washed them they shrink a bit so they were seriously too short to wear… The idea having a $150 pair of jeans just sitting in my closet started to bother me, so I called Nordstrom’s customer service and they told me to bring them in and have them exchanged. So I went there, walked up to the guy working at The Rail, told him that they were too short, and he just asked me to pick another pair, no questions asked. Pretty damn good customer service. So I exchanged them to a pair of Earnest Sewn Hutch in milk blue 3D. Gonna wash them a couple of times before I go back to get them altered this time. 🙂 Nordstrom’s men’s denim selection, at least that at the Santa Clara store, wasn’t all the great. They had the usual stuff like Seven, Citizen, and True Religion, those brands are too played out, the other selections were kindda limited…

On my way out I went to check out their shoes, I saw some Mark Nason boots that were really cool. They would go very well with boot cut jeans… 😀 I think I’m gonna hold out on these though… maybe they’d go on sale one of these days… heh…

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One thought on “Nordstrom’s awesome exchange policy, and Mark Nason boots

  1. dan moore

    I’m a little behind on your blog.

    Yeah, I’ve had similar good experience with Nordstrom since recently starting to shop there. Saks and Neiman Marcus aren’t nearly as good.


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