Category Archives: Blog news

stuff about this blog…

fixed my feed redirect

My /feed/* links used to redirect to Feedburner when you’re not coming from Feedburner, I did that with .htaccess rewrites. But at some point I screwed up my .htaccess file and the feeds were not being redirected properly. I noticed a significant drop in subscriber count at Feedburner but I thought maybe people just unsubscribed. I fixed the redirect yesterday and the subscriber count went back to normal. Thanks for subscribing! If you’re reading the feed you will notice a bunch of new items from and Flickr, this is because I burn those at Feedburner so they will show up as unread or new posts. I don’t point my feeds directly to my Feedburner URL because I want to keep the option open if I switch to a different service in the future.

btw, I also turned off Facebook notes auto-import from Feedburner a while back and disabled the notes application.

Permalink structure changed

When I first setup this blog 2 years ago, I went with the default permalink structure in WordPress. All the new blogs I helped configure I went with a more readable and SEO-friendly permalink setup. I didn’t change mine because of existing incoming links and also if 2 URLs go to the same content Google ranking will drop significantly. I looked into an easy way to do a 301 redirect and found a permalink migration plugin, it’s pretty awesome and does exactly what I wanted (301-redirect old permalink to the new structure). Now the URLs look a lot better, instead of the post ID I have the date and the post title in the URLs. 🙂

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Happy July

It is hard to believe that half of 2007 has passed already. It seems like yesterday that I was smoking hookah and taking pictures at Tayson’s nye party… Suffice to say that lots have happened in my life in this period of time, but I look forward to the new half and the future with hopes and excitements. To those who have been there for me and reached out to me in the most difficult times, thank you so much!

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We’ve launched OnMyList! Check it!!

After a small private launch last week, I am very excited to announce that we have publicly launched OnMyList!! Our beta testers love it, and I hope you will too!

The 3 most important things to do with OnMyList:

  1. Check it out! Join it! Upload a profile pic! You can look through other member’s lists, rate them, comment on them. Please try to make at least 2 lists yourself. You can also blog lists to your blogs, or digg them!
  2. Tell all your friends about OnMyList! If you like it and you have a blog, write about it there!
  3. Send us any feedback you have, you can also post them as comments here.

That’s it! Go at it and have fun!

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Moving on…

This morning I gave my resignation at work, I’ve been doing semiconductor stuff for quite a number of years and I want to do something different. I am going to join a stealth-mode Web 2.0 startup as first full-time employee and VP of Technology. It is a social/community site (surprise!). I really love the idea of the site and I’m VERY excited about it. I can’t say more until we do a small “friends and family” beta, which will be in the very near future. I will probably start a company blog and maybe a site development blog on tech stuff such as Ruby on Rails, DHTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript. (or a single blog with both news and development/tech articles.)

We don’t have an office now, I will be working from home or wherever with WiFi/EVDO for a while. But when we get an office it will be in San Francisco (and it will be dog-friendly!), I’m looking forward to finally moving to the city for real. For those who don’t know me personally, I live in the south bay Mon through Thu and in SF on weekends. I have my lease until late October though, so I might stay here til then. (my condo in Santa Clara is real nice, I’ve looked at a lot of places and this IMO is one of the best, if you’re interested in taking over the lease, let me know and we can probably work something out! 🙂 )

If you know me from the past and wanna keep in touch, or if you’ve been reading this blog and want to connect with me professionally, feel free to add me at LinkedIn (or Facebook). I’d also encourage you to subscribe to the feed in your favorite RSS reader/aggregator.

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“widgetized” my theme to add recent comments and google search to sidebar

I’ve been receiving some cool comments on some of my older posts, so I’ve decided to add a Recent Comments display to the sidebar. To do this I actually went ahead and “widgetized” my theme, it turned out to be really easy to do. So now I can dynamically drag and drop stuff into the sidebar when I feel like it. 😀

My Flickr badge didn’t show up right in a text widget, so I plugged in Erik Rasmussen’s Flickr badge widget, it’s really easy to setup. In addition to the recent comments display, I’ve also added a Google box to search this blog there, it might or might not work better than the WordPress search at the bottom, not sure… give it a try…

Also, I’ve deleted the blogroll and I’m now pointing to my for my links, this makes it easier for me and you won’t see a huge list of links at the sidebar…

alumni event at the Googleplex

Just got back from the alumni event at Google, it was alright, not too exciting, and not too lame either… I actually met some people I haven’t seen since I graduated, so that part was cool… Also got to talk to some current students and picked up a few resumes and cards. What is up with the security at that place though, it was terrible, I felt like I was in a prison or something… I still managed to snap some pics with my Treo…
Here SCS Dean Randall Brant was giving us an update on the recent constructions and developments at the school:

The new (to me at least) CoLab:

upcoming constructions to get rid of the old student center and the parking lot and random buildings behind Wean:

In the bathrooms at Google they had some unit testing programming brain teaser, no I didn’t bother reading it, heh…

Looks like some peeps live there:

break room area and pool table (not pictured), I might get into troubles by posting this coz the very nice security dudes did not like what I was doing…

Oh yeah, somehow I won a 5.5g 30gb black iPod! heh, best use of a business card ever! Obviously, I have a 60gb and a Nano already so this is going straight to Craigslist and if it doesn’t sell there, eBay… you’re welcome to make me an offer, I’m thinking maybe ~200 bucks? It’s BNIB and super awesome yo! (UPDATE: it’s been sold, CL rocks!)

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