Considering upgrading my server to Sarge

So sarge, the newest stable version of Debian, has been out for a while. My friend Dan has upgraded his server (he gave me free hosting there for years, until I got my own server), and it went smoothly with the exception of some LILO or GRUB problems (I need to ask him what it was exactly, my server boots with GRUB). I replaced “woody” with “stable” in /etc/apt/sources.list, updated the packages list, and here are the aptitude outputs…

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be automatically installed:
apache2-utils aspell-bin aspell-en coreutils cpp-3.3 dash debconf-i18n
defoma dictionaries-common dselect e2fslibs fam fontconfig gcc-3.3
gcc-3.3-base gettext initscripts intltool-debian libacl1 libapr0
libaspell15 libattr1 libblkid1 libcomerr2 libcompress-zlib-perl
libconsole libcurl3 libdb1-compat libdb4.2-dev libdb4.3 libdns16
libfam0c102 libfontconfig1 libft-perl libgcc1 libgdbm3 libice6 libisc7
libjasper-1.701-1 liblcms1 liblocale-gettext-perl libmagic1 libmagick6
libmail-sendmail-perl libnet-daemon-perl libnetpbm10 libnewt0.51
libplrpc-perl libpng10-0 libpng12-0 libruby1.8 libsigc++-1.2-5c102 libsm6
libss2 libssl0.9.7 libstdc++5 libtext-charwidth-perl libtext-iconv-perl
libtext-wrapi18n-perl libtiff4 libttf2 libuptimed libuuid1 libx11-6
libxext6 libxft1 libxi6 libxmu6 libxmuu1 libxp6 libxpm4 libxrandr2
libxrender1 libxt6 libxtrap6 libxtst6 libzzip-0-12 linux-kernel-headers
ntp ntp-server po-debconf portmap python2.3 python2.3-iconvcodec ruby1.8
slang1a-utf8 squid-common ssl-cert sysv-rc ttf-bitstream-vera vim-common
The following packages will be automatically REMOVED:
console-tools-libs libaspell10 libdb2-dev libdigest-md5-perl liblcms
libmagick5 libmime-base64-perl libpspell4 libstorable-perl
libtest-simple-perl libtime-hires-perl
The following NEW packages will be installed:
apache2-utils aspell-bin aspell-en coreutils cpp-3.3 dash debconf-i18n
defoma dictionaries-common dselect e2fslibs fam fontconfig gcc-3.3
gcc-3.3-base gettext initscripts intltool-debian libacl1 libapr0
libaspell15 libattr1 libblkid1 libcomerr2 libcompress-zlib-perl
libconsole libcurl3 libdb1-compat libdb4.2-dev libdb4.3 libdns16
libfam0c102 libfontconfig1 libft-perl libgcc1 libgdbm3 libice6 libisc7
libjasper-1.701-1 liblcms1 liblocale-gettext-perl libmagic1 libmagick6
libmail-sendmail-perl libnet-daemon-perl libnetpbm10 libnewt0.51
libplrpc-perl libpng10-0 libpng12-0 libruby1.8 libsigc++-1.2-5c102 libsm6
libss2 libssl0.9.7 libstdc++5 libtext-charwidth-perl libtext-iconv-perl
libtext-wrapi18n-perl libtiff4 libttf2 libuptimed libuuid1 libx11-6
libxext6 libxft1 libxi6 libxmu6 libxmuu1 libxp6 libxpm4 libxrandr2
libxrender1 libxt6 libxtrap6 libxtst6 libzzip-0-12 linux-kernel-headers
ntp ntp-server po-debconf portmap python2.3 python2.3-iconvcodec ruby1.8
slang1a-utf8 squid-common ssl-cert sysv-rc ttf-bitstream-vera vim-common
The following packages will be REMOVED:
console-tools-libs libaspell10 libdb2-dev libdigest-md5-perl liblcms
libmagick5 libmime-base64-perl libpspell4 libstorable-perl
libtest-simple-perl libtime-hires-perl
The following packages will be upgraded:
adduser apache apache-common apache-dev apache-ssl apt apt-utils aptitude
ash aspell awstats base-config base-files base-passwd bash bc bind9
bind9-host binutils bsdmainutils bsdutils busybox-static bzip2 clamav
clamav-base clamav-freshclam console-common console-data console-tools
courier-authdaemon courier-base courier-imap courier-imap-ssl courier-ssl
cpio cpp cpp-2.95 cramfsprogs cron curl debconf debconf-utils debhelper
debianutils devfsd dhcp-client diff dnsutils dpkg dpkg-dev e2fsprogs ed
fdutils file fileutils findutils finger gcc gcc-2.95 gettext-base grep
groff-base grub gzip hdparm hostname html2text ifupdown imagemagick info
initrd-tools iptables jhead kernel-package keychain klogd less
libapache-mod-php4 libbz2-1.0 libc6 libc6-dev libcap1 libclamav1
libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl libdb2 libdb2-util libdb3 libdb4.2
libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libdigest-nilsimsa-perl
libdigest-sha1-perl libdps1 libexpat1 libexpat1-dev libfreetype6
libgcrypt11 libgdbmg1 libgmp3 libgnutls11 libgpg-error0 libgpmg1
libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-tree-perl libident
libidn11 libisccc0 libisccfg0 libjpeg-progs libjpeg62 libkrb53 libldap2
liblockfile1 libltdl3 liblwres1 liblzo1 libmysqlclient14 libncurses5
libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libnet-dns-perl libnet-perl
libnet-ssleay-perl libnetpbm9 libopencdk8 libpam-modules libpam-runtime
libpam0g libpcre3 libpng2 libpopt0 libreadline4 librsync1 libruby
libsasl2 libssl0.9.6 libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 libtasn1-2 liburi-perl
libwrap0 libwww-perl libxml2 login logrotate lynx mailx make makedev
makepasswd man-db manpages mawk mbr mime-support modconf modutils mount
mutt mysql-client-4.1 mysql-common mysql-server-4.1 nano ncurses-base
ncurses-bin net-tools netbase netkit-inetd netkit-ping netpbm ntp-simple
ntpdate openssl passwd patch pciutils perl perl-base perl-modules php4
php4-common php4-gd php4-mysql phpmyadmin procmail procps psmisc python
python2.1 python2.2 qmail razor rdiff rdiff-backup rsync ruby screen sed
setserial shellutils slang1 squid ssh sudo sysklogd syslinux sysvinit
t1lib1 tar tasksel tcpd tcsh telnet textutils traceroute tree ucf
ucspi-tcp unzip uptimed util-linux vim wget whiptail whois
wwwconfig-common xfree86-common xlibs zip zlib1g
231 packages upgraded, 92 newly installed, 11 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 132MB of archives. After unpacking 125MB will be used.

Pretty insane! Right now I plan to do this on the weekend of Oct 15-16.

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